chapter twenty three

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-1 week later-

I walked towards my locker and sighed l had maths tommorow which was bad because l didnt even prepare the slightest for it due to partying and hanging out with friends but l had to get my act up and be serious. I get out some maths notes that had been rotting in my locker and put them into my bag. Once l was done l shut my locker and went for the school exit but l got stopped in my tracks by mason. "Hey."


"I wanted to give you these." He hands me flowers that seemingly appeared out of thin air. l took them and smelt them. "Aww thank you." I hug him for a bit then kiss him on the lips for a second before backing away a bit. "And also our birthday is in two days! Are you exited?"

I had forgotten all about my birthday and l looked confused for a second. "In two day its september the fourteenth."

"Yeah l know but what are we going to do?"

"I dont know l will think of a plan." I nodded and smiled. "Okay. Anyways l better go my mom is waiting for me."

"Alright bye."

"Bye." I quickly kissed him on the cheek and left the school grounds. I spotted my moms car l got in the back and she started to drive without saying a word to me l guess she was still angry about me bringing a guy back home when l was drunk.

"Hey mom!" I say trying to be nice but she didnt say a word she just kept her focus on the steering wheel. "Mom? Mom come on you cant ignore me forever." She still stayed silent even after calling her out. I sighed and gave up as l leaned into the seat. We soon made it back home and she still didnt say a single word to me l just did the same thing and went upstairs l saw max and he was growing so damn much and only one more day and his cast would be taken off. He healed pretty quickly but l wasnt complaining. He came onto me and licked my dress. "Hey boy." I patted his head as he panted. "You want a treat? You want a treaty treat?" He barks and goes crazy. "Alright alright alright." I softly scoop him into my arms and we headed downstairs l softly put him down and opened the fridge l wanted to give him something that wasnt meat so l chose plain unsweetened yogurt l took out a spoon and scooped some up. "Come here boy!" I say bringing the spoon to the floor he comes to me and licks the yogurt off of the spoon he seemed to love it l patted him as he kept licking and once he was done l loaded the spoon and took him into my arms again and headed upstairs. I laid him down onto my bed and got on too. I opened my school bag and l took out my maths notes and all that. l started to study for tommorow and l could tell that l wasnt going to be studying everything l needed as it was too much but l had faith and hope.

When it was evening l was exhausted from studying and max even fell asleep. He was lucky to be a dog because he wouldnt be a working machine like me. I pet him and lay down a bit. I wanted to have a bit of a nap so l did.

When l woke up it was dark out and max was gone. I rubbed my eyes and yawned l was very hungry so l went downstairs and saw my mom dishing. "Hi mom." She didnt say anything and just gave me my plate once she was done dishing. I thanked her but she didnt say a single word so l just went upstairs not to upset her more. I ate in my room and while l was eating max barked and came towards me with his tail wagging. "Do you want some?"
He barks again l take some of my lettuce and l give it to him he devours it within seconds.

I finish eating then l put my plate on the stand next to my pink bed and it looked like max was staying in my room tonight but l didnt complain l loved his company. I take my phone and call up mason and he soon answered. "Hello?" He says at the other end of the phone. "Hey uhm could you maybe pick me up tommorow?"

"Sure which time?"

"Seven thirty."


"Thank you goodnight."

"Night." I hang up the phone and get into my comfy blankets and slowly drift away to sleep.

The next morning came l got out of bed and stretched a bit before heading downstairs and making cereal for myself. Once l was done l went back upstairs and ate. Then l got to the bathroom and showered.

When l was done with that l brushed my hair, brushed my teeth, washed my face and l wore a pink plain skirt with a white tight top and some white sneakers. I was ready to go l got my bag and went downstairs and opened the fridge to see a lunchbox and it had my name on it so l took it and put it into my bag before heading for the door. I waited outside for about five minutes until mason came. I got into the car and put on the seatbelt. "Hey." He says l looked at him and smiled. "Hi."

"So no kisses today?" He said with a frown on his face. I rolled my eyes while smilling and gave him a quick kiss. "Thank you."

"No problem." He started to drive. "So does your mom have anything planned for your birthday?"

"Not that l know of plus she is angry at me." He looked confused. "Why is that?"

"One night l became drunk and brought somebody into the house."

"Oh..lm pretty sure she will forget though."

"Yeah we will see."

We soon made it to school l got out of the car so did mason and we went into school together. "You want me to walk to your locker?" I nodded. "Yeah sure." We walk to my locker and we made it there in seconds l opened my locker and took some cheat notes. "You're really cheating?"

"Come on its just one paper. I dont have great memory skills."

"Alright. Want to go to the cafeteria?"

"Sure." We walk together to the cafeteria and sit down on some empty seats. "So what you writing next?"

"Pure Maths im writing it today."

"Oh okay."

I looked around for a second and l spotted sarah. Sarah came to us and she put one hand onto the table. "Hello!"
She says smilling. "Hi?" I say she was facing mason. "Hello."

"Can we please get back together?"

"No thanks." The bell rang that meant it was time to go. "Bye mason." I say gripping onto my bag. "Bye." I let them be and go to class because l needed to write my test..

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