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"She was life itself; wild and free, Wonderfully chaotic, a perfectly put together mess."

Author's POV

When it comes to curing a persistent headache or finding a solution to a major problem, nothing works better than a cup of ginger tea. Rainy days are ideal for sipping warm tea with a cup of tea; without it, the evening snacks appear incomplete or lose some of their delectable flavor.

The ground suddenly looked interesting enough to spend the rest of her life staring at as she waited for her husband to arrive with the cups of tea and in a matter of minutes, he came and without sharing words he settled himself on the another bench beside her.

All of a sudden a young boy in his late twenties made an appearance and give the couple two cups of steamy ginger tea but accidentally his black pen which was in his Shirt's pocket dropped near her feet on the ground.

Before she could pick the pen and hand it over to that boy, he stooped down and was about to stand up but on a sudden he felt a hand resting on his head and he uneasily looked up to find the same woman and her face was wreathed in smile.

"Sada Single rho balak".

(May you always stay single son.)

The boy's eyes went widen and looked at her with open-mouthed like she's some kind of alien who had come from the Planet Jupiter and was showering her other worldly blessings on him.

Arjun stared at her in disbelief and facepalmed himself witnessing his wife's antics which could easily make anyone assume or believe that she's a member of mental asylum patients.

The boy with all possible haste stood up and made his way towards the stall but in two ticks his steps halted when someone's voice echoed in his ear and he whipped around to discover the same woman standing on her feet and arms crossed over her chest.

"You should know the value of a pen boy". She said in a strict tone of voice that made him gulp his saliva and Arjun's eyebrows knitted in bewilderment.

"See, by any chance if you lost your pen then you won't be able to study and it's obvious that you'll get fail in the exam and unfortunately if you'll get fail in exam then you can't do the course of diploma and no diploma understandably means that in future you won't get a government job and without a government job no Indian parents will give their daughter's hand for marriage and if you won't get hitched with a girl then there will no child of yours which plainly means that you'll be in depression due to loneliness and it without a doubt will cause you sickness and then on a day you'll die in sadness." She explained and took a few calming breaths.

"So the lesson is never lost your pen." She stated and then again get seated on the bench.

"Understood?" She interrogated in a stern voice like a teacher and then continued to sip her tea.

The boy stood numb there and he put one hand upto his open-mouthed and then quickly shut it not wishing to invite the flies. His mind got paralyzed for a few seconds before gaining its sense again.

"Y-Yes m-am I'll put this crucial thing in my consideration". He stumbled over his words and left from there like a flowing wind.

"He can also buy a new pen". Arjun muttered under his breath as he refused to play the sarcasm game with her now and just shaked his head in incredulity.

A long silence fell between them as she was rejoicing the taste of tea which was strong and high in favour whereas he recognised the full worth of silence and always appreciate yet prefer to be in silent mode as silence calmed his soul.

Drowning in the sea of silence had caged his once gleeful yet joyous heart from the unbreakable shackles made up of fear, guilt, regret and he was incapable yet too drained from inside to even have a hope.

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