When rain falls I fall with it

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As Hurricane'Paw followed Tall'Scar he observed his surroundings

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As Hurricane'Paw followed Tall'Scar he observed his surroundings. Wind seemed to buffet the trees and bushes around them. It was windy today. Tall'Scars fur seemed to ripple in the wind like a meadow. His fur was so sleek.. excellent for swimming.

Lost in his thoughts he bumped into Tall'Scar and muttered a quiet "Sorry.." He had brought them into a clearing with almost no bushes around them. The grass was short and flat. "This is where warriors take their apprentices to train" "Train for what?" "Well to fight of course. Everyone needs to know offense and defense fighting" Hurricane nodded. 'If i get good at fighting then i can protect kits..' His pelt shivered with excitement. He couldn't wait to sta-. His thoughts were cut off by Tall'Scar lunging at him and flipping Hurricane onto his back and pressing his paw lightly to his throat. "I win" Hurricane hurriedly stood up and shook his pelt. "But I wasn't ready-!" He hissed irritated. "You need to catch your opponent off guard and never let yours down in a fight, fair or not." Hurricane sighed and looked away while nodding until Tall'Scar lunged again. This time he was ready and leaped to the side. Using his momentum he turned towards Tall'Scar mid air and pushed off the ground to tackle his side and press his left paw onto his neck. "You're fast." Tall'scar smiled at him. Hurricane shivered with pride again. 'Damn- why do I do that..' He scolded himself until Tall'Scar pushed him onto his back. He reacted quickly and threw him off and over his head with his strong hind legs.

They trained until dusk, they were both exhausted and panting heavily. "Today was a good day" Tall'Scar exclaimed while standing up properly. Hurricane looked to the side and hesitantly nodded. Embarrassment quickly washed over him as Tall'Scar squeaked at his reaction and bounded over to squish his face. "Ugh- stop it!" Hurricane screamed at the tom while his face was squished to death. "You agreed!!" "I'm never agreeing with you again" Hurricane growled at his mentor. "I'm gonna tell the whole clan." His mentor teased him as hurricane sent a glare his way.


Dawn covered the territories once again. Hurricane followed his mentor to their normal hunting spot. It's been a few moons since his training started and he's starting to pass up some warriors skill with his own. Who knew Tall'Scar was such a good mentor? Their bond has grown over time and Hurricane sees him as the father that he had once lost during his kit hood.

Hurricane hadn't realized Tall'Scar had taken them into a clearing until now. Though this wasn't the clearing they used for training. It was a small and circular clearing, hidden with bushes and trees. Where were they? "Tall'Scar..? Where are we..." His mentor paused for a moment before sitting down. "This is a secret spot i come to when i want to be alone. It's also a great spot to come watch the sun rise.." As if it was summoned, the sun started to slowly rise, its bright orange and pink colors filled the morning sky. The wind breeze blew Tall'Scars fur as they both watched the sunrise.

"I love watching the sun come up, though I hate the wind.. maybe someday I can watch the sunrise without the wind blowing my fur around." Hurricane looked at his mentor and let a smile creep onto his face. He never wanted this to end, but as all things do, it did. "Hurricane, you're getting your warrior ceremony tonight. I've already spoken with our leader." Hurricane looked at his mentor confused. "Why did you have to tell me now? What's going on?" Tall'Scar looked at hurricane. "I'm leaving DawnClan and i'm going to find a place to rest" Hurricanes eyes widened and his fur spiked. "What!? You can't leave! Why can't you just rest here? There's plenty of nests!" Tall'Scar smiled "It's not that kind of rest. This time I might not wake up, and if I'm going to die then I want to do it my way." Hurricane let tears fall from his eyes and shoved his face into Tall'Scars chest, but he had to bend down due to him now being taller than his mentor. "Don't leave me like she did.. please Tall'Scar." His mentor chuckled. "I won't be leaving you silly. I'll be there in the sun. Waiting for you in there, somewhere. When the sun falls so will I, but I'll come back when the day is anew." Hurricane looked up at his father figure. "How will I know you're there?" ... "Hurricane when the sun fades from your view that doesn't mean that it stopped shining. It will always be there, you just can't see it. When the wind blows through your fur I might disappear from sight, but I'll always be there. Can you trust me on that?" Hurricane hesitated but reluctantly nodded at his mentor. "Good. Remember I'll always be there with you. With the sun as your guide I'm sure it'll show you in the right direction." As Tall'Scar smiled wind blew through his pelt and he faded away with it. Silence filled the clearing, the only thing being left was Tall'Scars familiar scent.

"..... Tall'Scar?"


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