Chapter 13

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I feel a bright light hit on my face causing me flutter my eyes open and then shut them tightly as the curtains got left open. I go to stretch my arms and get out of bed when I'm stopped my a weight. I look down to see I have nothing on and a pair of muscular arms wrapped around my waist.
Eyes go wide looking behind me to see a mess of black curls and all the memories from last night to hit. I try to pull myself out of the bed slowly but get pulled back to a bared very toned chest."Go back to sleep" a rough morning voice from Changbin comes from behind me.

A kiss gets planted in my right bare shoulder, "Changbin I have to pee you have to let me get up hunny." I giggle as he grips on to me tighter but eventually he finally let me go after a few minutes of struggling. "Fine but please be careful because of the mark and it was your first time. You will be dizzy and your legs might be a sore little wolf."
He sits up and holds onto my waist as I get out of bed. I feel slight dizziness for a second but as soon as I stand I feel a achy in my pelvic bone that makes a groan escape from my lips
"I told you .. which one is worse?" He asks me as I make my way slowly to the bathroom naked with no care. Yes my insecurities are getting to my head but this voice inside my head is telling me this man just saw every inch of you last night just don't care.

"My hips are sore, the dizziness was gone before I stood up." I turn the shower on and walk back to the room leaning on the doorframe with my arms crossed. Changbin is sitting up back against the headboard, blanket coughing waist down as he is already looking at me.
"You want to save some water?" He cocks a eyebrow and says, "lil mama if you just wanted more of me you could have just asked" he starts to get out of the bed.
"Who said you were getting anything?" I turn and start to walk away hearing him behind me, "You come your little ass here." I giggle running into the shower him behind me.

After we got out of the shower, that was five percent actually showering, Changbin gives me a kiss on the forehead and goes back to his room to get dressed.

After we got out of the shower, that was five percent actually showering, Changbin gives me a kiss on the forehead and goes back to his room to get dressed

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As I walk out of my room, Han walks out of his next door to me. " Oh hey princess you look cute." He walks closer to me but stops, his eyes narrow at my neck then go wide. "Oh fuck..... Who left that?" He points to my mark with a shaking hand. I rur my hand over it, "Umm Changbin.. why?"
He runs past me down the stairs mumbling to himself till he starts yelling. "GROUP MEETING NOW!" I walk down the stairs seeing people come from their rooms or the kitchen. Han turns to me and stops me from entering the living room, hiding me till everyone sits down. He looks across to Changbin on the sofa, "What did you do?"

Changbin looks around at everyone then back at Han, "What do you mean?" Han pulls me in front of him, moving my hair to the side showing a full bite mark on my collarbone. Gasps fill the room as everyone either looks at Changbin pissed off or at me with concern.
"Changbin what did you do?" Chan states as he puts his head in his hands. Changbin's eyes go wide and finally figure's out what he did wrong and starts freaking out, "Ohhh no ... I completely forgot and it didn't even cross my mind, we just got so caught up into it."

He leans back onto the couch running a hand through his freshly washed hair. "I should have stopped and controlled myself better." I don't know why they are freaking out and it's bothering me a lot. "Can someone please explain to me why everyone is freaking out about the mark. It's freaking me out, did I do something wrong?"
"Kitten remember how we talked about the soulmate bond you can have a lover or a tied one, but you can choose who you want as what?" I nod my head as Minho slowly makes his way from the couch to me. "Well Changbin has started the marking transitioning, so you will have to choose now because you have to be fully mated with who you want in a month from the first mark."

My eyes wide at the sudden new blinking a few times to register it properly. "Changbin where did she mark you?" Minho turns around to the vampire as he rolls up his sleeve to show a beautiful indent of my mark on his bicep. "Chan it took, we have to start this now." He turns his attention to the said werewolf on the other couch. "I want you all to be lovers" I say in a barely audible whisper. The ones with great hearing pick up on what I said and turn to look at me, "Repeat that babygirl ... please louder this time, I need to know that is what you actually said."

Now all eight sets of eyes are set on me some with almost pleading eyes to make sure what they heard was correct. I clear my throat, "If it is okay I want to have all of you as lover soulmates, I know for some it's going to take longer to fully connect with but I want it if you will let me."
The room goes silent causing me to put my head down. Till I hear fast footsteps and I'm embraced into a tight hug. "I was scared that you didn't want us at all after everything that happened." I hug the blonde fairy back feeling the mate bond pull in one accord.

"No none of this is y'all's fault, y'all are about in the same boat as I am almost." Felix pulls away from the hug but still has an arm around my waist as a growl grows just audible for supernatural ears to pick up on. We all shift our eyes to a growling Changbin with eyes the color of ruby red. Chan stands up and looks at me, "We need to start and finish this soon because since Changbin has completed his mate bond, his is going to feel stronger and become more protective over you with the none fully mated ones."

I nod my head slowly making my way to a seething vampire as Lee Know grabs my wrist to pull me back, Changbin stands up and growls again but deeper. I take my wrist out of Lee Knows hand softly, shaking my head. I start making my way slowly to him again putting one hand on his chest and he breaks eye contact with Lee Know and looks down at me.
His eyes soften and start to fade back to brown." Are you back to me?" He nods his head blinking a few times. "We really need to get this under control now." He says looking at Chan then Lee Know. "Okay" I turn my back to Changbin's chest as he puts his hands on my hips to keep himself calm. "We aren't rushing on it but we are at the same time. Don't force me into it, it will come naturally I promise." They all nod their heads understanding what we need to do.

Hi hunny's warning 🍄🍄 smut will fill the next couple of chapters because the mate bonds and all. So the ones with the adorable mushrooms are the smut warnings like last time.🍄🍄

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