Chapter Five

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                                                                                         Rain's POV

I got about four hours of sleep when my phone went off and startled me awake. I groaned and rolled over to where it was plugged in on the nightstand and picked it up. I had half a mind to throw it across the room for interrupting the small amount of sleep I got. 

With my eyes still squinted, trying to adjust to the light from the screen I saw Taggert displayed across the screen. I threw my head back against my pillow with a groan. 

Being team captain has a lot of pro's. People looking up to you. Having a say in certain team altering decisions. Best of all I've got a team behind me that trusts me to lead them to victory. 

Being team captain also has its cons, one of them being I was basically on call 24/7 in case anyone needed me. Like now. I hit the answer button and brought the speaker to my ear. 

"Yes Rosie." I answered, my voice laced with sleep and annoyance.

I knew it probably wasn't something serious. Rosie usually calls me for a variety of things ranging from not knowing how to put gas in her car to needing help carrying something heavy into her apartment. 

She is another one of those rare people that have wormed their way into my life but mostly because of her friendship with my sister. When Rosie got injured last year her and Misty started spending a lot of time together seeing as my sister just wandered about the facilities until she was finally signed. 

"Did I wake you Cap? You are usually awake by now." She replied.

 I sat up rubbing my eyes then looked at the time on my phone. 8AM. 

"Late night." I grumbled. 

It had indeed been a late night but not for any good reasons. Only for the simple fact that I could not shut my brain off. 

"Did you need something?" I asked, stretching my legs off the side of my bed. 

"Well yeah actually. I am running a little behind this morning and if I come across town to get Ellie we will most definitely be late." She spoke quickly into the phone. My body stiffened at the mention of the striker's name. 

"Would you be willing to give her a ride? If not, I can call Misty and ask her."

"Well seeing as Misty will most likely be riding with me... I can give her a ride too." I answered. 

I stood up out of my bed and stretched out my limbs that weren't holding the phone to my ear. 

"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you Cap!" She gushed through the phone. "I owe you one." 

"You don't owe me anything. It makes more sense for her to ride with me or Misty anyway." I said logically, brushing away her gratitude. 

"Alright, Thank you anyway. I will text her and tell her she is gonna ride with you. See ya Cap." She said then I heard the line go dead. 

It was time to get ready for training anyways so I I placed the phone back down on the nightstand and walked into my walk-in closet. 

The medium sized space was renovated just last year. I just needed more room for my not so healthy coping mechanisms. 

The wall on the left of the door is lined with small shelves holding about 200 different shoes. I have a small sneaker obsession. 

The wall on the left holds my suits and other fancy dress attire. The wall directly in front of the door is where my everyday clothes are and a few locked drawers. Behind the clothes on that wall is a door. 

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