The encounter

102 8 2

New York 2016 
At the bar

"C'mon Liv drink up! Don't be a buzz kill" Sara encouraged her best friend to drink the scotch in Liv's Hand Liv drank it and they continued partying and drinking until someone entered  the bar

"Oooh who's he? He's hot as fuck" Liv told Sara. Sara looked at the Man's direction then asked "truth or dare? " Sara asked Liv "Hmm dare" Liv answered "oooh confident I love it. Okay I dare you to go near that guy and ask his name and number" sara dared Liv "what are you Crazy? I won't do that why not you be the one to do that you both are a perfect match anyway" Liv answered
"Haha sure easy" Sara said and fixed her hair and went near the guy "Hey handsome" she called for him "hey there gorgeous" he answered back "gimme one shot of tequila for this gorgeous woman" the man asked the bartender "tequila?Oh please. I drink Jack Daniels not tequila" Sara said "oh really now? Your the first woman I met that declined tequila" the man said "what's your name? " Sara asked "I'm bong and you? The man asked her back " Sara Vicenta" she answered "nice to meet you Vicenta, would you like to come with me to my apartment? " bong asked "I don't see why not" she answered back they paid their drinks and went off on their way to bong apartment Sara's phone notified

My Livie sent you a message

My Livie: where the hell are you?
                           You: on my way to Bong's apartment

My Livie: who the fuck is bong?

                            You: the handsome guy at the bar

My Livie: how sure are we that he's a good one? I mean he's handsome yes but what about his perosnality?

                             You: trust me Liv I know, my heart knows he's good I promise

My Livie: fine but call me when something happens okay?!?!

                             You: I will Liv. Love you my Livieboo

My Livie:love you too

"We're here" bong said they went up they chatted for a bit until Sara suddenly asked him "do you have a girlfriend? "
Bong answered her "no and I want it to stay that way" when Sara heard she was shocked how could someone this handsome be single "why? Are you Speaking from experience?" Sara asked "hmm.somewhat yeah" bong answered

Flash back new year 2014

Bong and his girlfriend Laiza(👀) were in Bong's balcony "happy new year love I wish that our love will remain when we get married because I'm sure that you are my forever! " bong said confidently
"Happy new year bong" Laiza said coldly
"Bong? So I'm bong now" bong said sarcastically laiza sighed "I wanna break up" she said out of nowhere
"Why? Did I do something? " Bong asked again "I just don't love you anymore I met this guy on tinder and he's way better than you okay? Bye" she said and got out of bong's apartment

End of flashback

" so yeah that's my story haha" he laughed sarcastically "omy- you don't have a girlfriend for 2 years now? " Sara asked "well yeah" bong answered Sara's phone rang

*dad calling*

"Oh shoot sorry I gotta go but here's my number call me when you can and we can chit chat soon okay? " she wrote her number on a piece of paper and left

"Hello dad?" She answered the line

"Sara where are you? "

" I'm at a friend's house why?"

"Come to my house"

"Why? "

"Just come... Please" for the first time her father begged her to go home usually he would just shout at her

"I-im on my way" she said and dropped the call

20 minutes later she has arrived

"I'm here papa, whats going on?"she asked her dad she was confused

"Your mom and I are divorcing each other"

"What?!? Why? What reason? "

"Your father cheated on me a week ago while I was with Dr. Jimenez for a medical mission in Misamis occidental"

"Papa?!?! " was the last thing Sara said before she left and went to her car

Sara's POV:
I had to text someone I can't text Liv she's too happy today then I thought of someone

Bong 09***********

                           You: hey uh I know your prob busy but are you available? I just need someone to listen...

Bong: I'm not busy at all and yes we can meet at urban backyard cafe

                           You: on my way. Thanks:)

Bong: anytime:>
                            You: haha cute

Wait did I just call him cute!?!?! No way! My phone notified

Bong: did you just call me cute?
                             You:no wrong send

Bong: okay if you say so 🥺

I didn't reply anymoreee why are you soo cutee ba kasiiii
I headed to the cafe and saw him sitting in table 8

"Hey what's the problem? " he asked "my parents" I stopped for a while "my parents are getting a divorce" I bit my lower lip trying to keep my tears to myself

"You can cry all you want" he said he comforted me the whole night

So I guess that's it for todays chapter see u next chapter guys prob gonna make it somethin else👀-Saradm34

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