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Upon opening the rooftop door, a gust of wind hits your body, making you shiver. You approach the ledge of the broken railing, with your hospital gown flowing behind you. Your eyes glance downwards.


You push your body forward, descending to the ground below. You close your eyes, "I'm sorry."

You slowly open your eyes, you feel the softness of your bed underneath you. You glance around and realize that you are in your room, surrounded by your familiar belongings. Beside your bed, you spot the window that you often gaze at when you're struggling to fall asleep at night. Peering out of it, you see the sun shining brightly, casting a warm glow across the room.

As you take a deep breath, you can't help but wonder if everything that happened was just a figment of your imagination or if it was real. Perhaps you are just experiencing another one of your vivid hallucinations again. The uncertainty lingers in your mind, and you can't shake off the feeling of confusion.

As you glance at the calendar, you can't help but notice that it is the 21st of November. Your attention is immediately drawn to the words written in bold, bright red marker: 'THE RECITAL'. It's encircled by a large red circle, emphasizing its importance. As you shift your focus, you realize that something feels different. Your body feels strangely weightless—as if you're floating on air.

Your breath stopped, it was probably one of those nightmares again.

Then you heard a knock.

"SUNNY! Wake up! We gotta practice, it's almost time for the recital!"

you hear the familiar voice of a girl outside your door, your breath hitched and your eyes widen.

You felt like suffocating.

This wasn't the time for hallucinations Sunny, snap out of it.

"SUNNY? You there? If you don't wake up right now I'm coming in!!" It said in a cheerful tone. It knocked once again, why can't it just leave me alone? Your breathing quickened, your heartbeat started racing, you felt AFRAID.

"You really aren't gonna wake up huh," it pouted. "I'm coming in!" no.

As you stood there, your body began to tremble, and your breaths became shallow and rapid. The mere thought of encountering that thing again was enough to send chills down your spine. Your hands were clenched tightly against your chest, and you shut your eyes tightly, trying to calm yourself down, but the sweat still dripped from your forehead.

Suddenly, the door creaked open, and your eyes darted towards it. You saw MARI standing there, appearing normal at first glance, but you knew better. You knew that it was only a matter of time before it transformed into that terrifying hellspawn that had been haunting you. Tears welled up in your eyes as you wondered why this was happening to you. You just wanted it to end, but no matter what you did, it seemed like there was no escape from this nightmare, even if it meant jumping off that damn hospital rooftop.

"Oh...SUNNY...Why are you crying?" MARI's face formed into a softer expression rather than the excited one just a second ago.

This was all fake, he's had multiple nightmares like this already. He was tired of it, tired of this... Isn't that why he decided to finally end it all?

     His "sister" started walking towards him, and he closed his eyes even tighter.

As he braced himself for the inevitable jumpscare, his heart pounding in his chest, he suddenly felt a gentle, warm touch on his shoulder.

It was a stark contrast to the cold, lonely feeling he had grown accustomed to during the four years he spent cooped up in his room. The touch was comforting, almost human-like, and for a moment he felt like he wasn't alone anymore, no. Just a warm hug, like how MARI always used to hug him when he was just a little boy.

     "Shh.. SUNNY, calm down. It's gonna be okay." MARI comforted him like he was a child all over again, tears began to well up in his eyes even more as he started bawling again. This felt too real to be a dream, he could hear it. the sound of her breathing, the beating of her heartbeat, the warmth of her body. He felt it.

She was real. She was alive.

...was she? or was this one of those stupid dreams again?

hiiii hope this was okay... I'm not too good at omori lore and I haven't wrote an actual srs whole chp lore fic in soooo long bro.. Idk where this might go but, lets hope I can actually finish this series!!! First omori fic btw I'm so excited

btw this won't be so lore driven this will probably focus on the relationship between SUNNY and the characters so don't expect deep writing LMAOO

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17 ⏰

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