Infected By The Nightcrawler

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She'd survived the blackout a few time before, she is lucky in that regard. But such fortune can't last for so long, Alice hope is not this time. She is huddled inside on of the bathroom stalls, her little flashlight tightly gripped as she listened for any sounds.

It's hard to hear when her heart is hammering like crazy and her breathing is ragged. Alice's eyes darts around the pitch black darkness—her flashlight already off, don't want them to know. The Gootraxians are quite keen indeed.

A creaking, the door is opened. The bathroom now has two occupant now.

Fuck! Did they hear her? It seems her luck has left now. But sometime luck is opportunity meet preparation, and her preparation is decent enough to have a good chance evading the Gootraxian that's right now fucking checking the stalls one by one now.

Their faint footsteps is deafening to her ears, echoing and roiling in her mind. It's getting closer—she must do something now. Quickly!

Fact: The uknown Gootraxian is two stalls to the right. She is in the fourth, and there's five stalls in here. The door out is on the right—so to evade she must distract them.

She concluded, and sadly she hurled her mini-flashligh to her left and with a heavy thud in the stall five the Gootraxian's attention is diverted. The faint footsteps stopped—before it stalked to stall five.

When it opened the stall five door, she flings the stall open bolting to the outside with all her might. Her pounding footsteps echoed around the hall and she must find another hiding spot before her time is up.

Adrenaline course through her veins, breath more ragged as she sprints down the pitch blank hall that engulfed her soroundings. Her guts churned—the Gootraxian must be behind her!

She leaps immediately and unfortunately the Gootraxian managed to swiped her back and pains bloomed—she gritted her teeth and dashing away.

In the distance Alice spots a hazy grey door and her panicked face gave way to a small exhausted smile. "F–fuck yeah, the janitor room!"

She bounded down the hall inside to the janitor room and shut with a bang and lock the key (A KEY!) the door. Alice finally sighed—heaving a breath in relief.

The door is suddenly rapped. It seems The Gootraxians is fucking playing with her. She hoped the dammned door is reinforced, so that thing smug face wiped off.

Alice huffed and stepped back from the still rapping door to try to tend her wound.

She stepped on something—huh?—her head turns at the object expression curious. A purple googles? She grabbed it and inspect closer.

It's sticky.

Her hand jerked in instinct but it clinged on. She grimaced as something come to the forefront of her mind. "Goddamned it, a Nightcrawler's googles."

It seem today her luck has run out.

The sticky goo enveloped her hands rapidly and the last thing she do before hazy darkness overtake her is glaring eyes at the Nightcrawler's googles.


She wake up a moment later in a new body—maw gritted tight and paws clenched hard. Guided with faint instinct she stand on her... hindlegs almost stumbling a few time.

...Alice's purple eyes trails at her new body...? It feel so weird.

This body is fluffy—a grey furs everywhere and that's more darker in her underbelly that stretched to the undertail tips. There's too a strange purple marking that glows softly dotting her chest until the undertail tips. Her hands—or paws now is covered with dark grey scale that similiar to a clawed glove is feeling her head. Head that is decorated with grey horns curving backwards—big and small ones.

This is her now... a Nightcrawler. In hindsight she should've realized it, but her brain attention is fixated elsewhere and hadn't to refreshed lately.

What to do now? Infect people? That'll be weird.

Her long slender tail swished in agitation.

Maybe the first step is getting outside now. She glanced at the door. It's silent now.

Alice unlock the door and opened it.

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