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I think most of you guys haven't got the notification of the 'Chapter-1' . Do check it... I don't know if the notification works for this chapter or not...this shit is acting up again!

Let's go to the story!

"Do you think they will accept our proposal, honey?" A very worried Ye-Jin asks her husband, who sighs, keeping a hand on her, "We have nothing to lose, neither do they, let's not think negatively" Hyun-Bin assures her, who nods. Both are currently on their way to meet the Kim's with a proposal to ask Taehyung's hand for their son, along with Nabi. After all, they had nothing to lose.

"Hopefully, our Nabi gets her mother and a husband to our Kook" She smiles at the baby besides her in the chair, looking outside with her doe eyes, which she inherited from Jungkook. Luckily, their Nabi resembles Jungkook, for which the family is very grateful. "Let's hope, there is nothing wrong with it" Hyun-Bin kisses her temple.

Meanwhile, in the Kim Mansion, 

"Taehyung, seriously" Min-Young sighs for the nth time, rolling her eyes at the two brats in front of her, "Come on, Ma, Hyunie will be careful, he is 21 years old and got a licence too" Taehyung reasons, looking at her with the adorable puppy eyes, which always saved him from the scoldings. "Aish those eyes" Min-Young grumbles under her breath, looking away.

So the thing is, Taehyung here brought his baby brother a new bike, yes, A bike, a racing bike, as a gift for graduating with top grade. But Min-Young is losing her shits over it, "Bike is too much Tae" "Maaa" Hyunjin whines, getting on his knees and hugging her waist, Taehyung giggles it his brothers antics before looking down when his mother glares at him, "Hyunjin You--" "Ma, please, it's my dream to have this bike!"

Before she can pull his ears, Jeon's reaches there, making Hyunjin stand on his feet by his brother's side, "Unnie what a surprise?" Min-Young eyes lit up as she watches Ye-Jin and Hyun-Bin getting down the car with a little angel, "omo our little Nabi is here too!" She gasps tickling the baby girl who giggles, she meets Nabi a couple of times in Jeon mansion. "She is so cute" Taehyung coos, pinching the chubby cheeks with his inked fingers, decorated with rings, "Can I?" Taehyung asks, heart bursting out of happiness to take her into his arms, "sure Taebear"

Hyunjin could only shake his head with a small chuckle at his adorable brother, Taehyung takes Nabi, securing her on his chest, the little baby girl immediately calms down at the soothing scent and calm voice, Taehyung felt the warmth filling his whole body as he holds Nabi, Ye-Jin and Hyun-Bin are sure surprised at how calm Nabi is, they can't help but raise their hopes, the five adults goes inside with Nabi still in Taehyung's arms, the baby girl hooks her chubby little finger onto the lip ring, "do you like my lip ring, doll?" Taehyung smiles beautifully as Nabi tries to put her finger into it, mumbling "Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba" a squeal leaving her mouth, suddenly becoming energetic.

"Tae you can take her to the garden, she loves it there" Ye-Jin says, looking gently at both, Taehyung hisses when Nabi pulls on it, "No No princess, it hurts" Taehyung whines and goes back to the garden with Hyunjin trailing behind him, he just loves his Taehyungie Hyung, when the children are outside, "You could have informed me Unnie, I would have been prepared" "Its okay Min-Young, we actually wanted to have a serious talk with you and Seo-Joon" "Oh! Let me call Oppa then, he is in the library" luckily it is the weekend and holiday for everybody except for their son who went to the company to deal with a project.

The couple sighs at their son's unhealthy work habits, they want to change it, and they are sure once Jungkook gets a family he will change, Min-Young returns back with Seo-Joon, with maids trailing behind with snacks "Hyung" Seo-Joon pulls Hyun-Bin into a hug, he bows lightly to Ye-Jin to greet the couple, "is Hoseok on his honeymoon?" "Yeah, they will be back by the end of the coming week" "How is the work load then?" "Taehyung is helping me with the work, he is so smart" Seo-Joon praises his baby son, Taehyung is the middle son but most of the time, he is the one who gets babied, even Hyunjin literally babies him a lot!

"That's great, Taehyung is very beautiful and so smart" Ye-Jin praises the male, body radiating with happiness, the conversation went on about the business until they finished their snacks,

"Seo-Joon and Min-Young-ah" Ye-Jin calls, the said couple hums, "we---" Hyun-Bin squeezes his wife's hand reassuringly, "we wanted to ask Taehyung's hand for our son Jungkook" the hall fell into a silent, until a sniff breaks it, "Un-Unnie you know about Taehyungie" "it doesn't matter Min-ah, he will be a great mother to Nabi, he will get a daughter himself and I can see it, even a good partner with Jungkook, you know how my son is and what happened with him, I am sure they can heal each other, they will make a very amazing family with Nabi"

"It's all your decision, we will be waiting but please think about it" the Kim couple nods, they are happy, so happy, because Jeons asked for their son's hand, they know Jungkook and what the boy has gone through which made him lose all his trust in everyone, Jungkook finds it hard to trust anyone to let them into his life after what happened a year ago, he is sweet, the Kim's know that, but would their son accept it?

"Does Jungkook knows? He accepted?" Ye-Jin shakes her head, "it should atleast start from somewhere right? We were thinking of pursuing Jungkook, once knowing your decision" Ye-Jin adds, "agreeable" Seo-Joon nods his head.

"Ummm Aunt she fell asleep" the comes back inside with a peaceful sleeping Nabi on his chest, the four elders just smile contently, Seo-Joon and Min-Young teared up, it's like god heard their prayers, and now Kim's know it's best to accept the proposal, Nabi is looking so peaceful with Taehyung, they both radiated the mother and daughter vibes, looking adorable together, "oh it's okay Taehyung, we are leaving anyways" Ye-Jin says earning a pout from the younger, he loved playing with Nabi and it pinched his heart when he heard they are leaving.

Leaking one last peck on those chubby cheeks, Taehyung reluctantly hands Nabi to Ye-Jin, the baby girl is sleeping so peacefully with no care in the world. "We will wait for your call,  there is no rush but please think about it" the elder Kim's nod as Taehyung watches in confusion, when the Jeon's leave Taehyung asks, "is Nabi their son's daughter?" "Yeah, she is Jungkook's son" Taehyung frowns, "but I don't remember Jeon's only son getting married" he mumbles with a confused frown, "well, Jungkook didn't get married, Nabi was never a plan of Jungkook life but here he is with a baby girl"

"He adopted? Or some one night--- Taehyung trails off, his curious brain wants to know everything, "Umm no Tae" Min-Young looks at her husband who nods in approval, "he has to know" "what?" "Well, sit here" the couple moves away giving space for their son to sit in between them, and Taehyung obliges.

"So Jungkook used to date a girl well, not actually, but then she crossed her line and drugged him one night which resulted in the birth of Nabi, Jungkook is a very respectable person, upright and very conscious about his surroundings but somehow she got him, but Jungkook throwed her out right after that for taking advantage of him when he is drugged, but then he came to know that she is pregnant with his child, he couldn't help but bring her back, Tae" Min-Young sighs, forcing a smile.

"But they didn't end up together? Not even for Nabi?" Taehyung asks, "well,  Hazel is not what she shows bear, from what we know, she is obsessed with Jungkook and almost killed Nabi when she is in her womb, Ye-Jin Unnie lost herself after that horrific incident, I still remember how helpless she looked when she asked me to meet her after that incident" Taehyung eyes tear up a little, "she is so cruel! How can she think of killing her own child in the womb! People die to become a mother out there but here she is killi--" he bit his lips, rage rushing in his veins.

"What happened to her?" "She is now in an asylum, after giving birth, Jungkook filed a case against her and won the whole custody over Nabi and Hazel is diagnosed with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder at its peak, but Jungkook doesn't want her in their life so with his connections, he sent her to an asylum but she is getting her treatment" "well, if it was me, I would have killed her!"

Hey Buns!

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