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Jungkook hurries inside Kim Mansion, he has given his fair share of explanations to Hyunjin ,and on the way got to know about the video, "Hey Jungk---"where is Taehyung?" He asks Min-Young who is holding Nabi, "Dadada" Nabi giggles, happy seeing her father , "his studio" she points at the room, Jungkook pecks his daughter's forehead before running towards the direction, only he knows the pain of fear he is feeling at the moment, fear of losing Taehyung, losing Taehyung, he scared.

Without knocking Jungkook burst into the room, Taehyung who is crying while sitting behind the wheel, crushing the mould he made which came out imperfect, his heart is too Shattered at the moment, his brain is constantly buzzing with thoughts, seeing the tears in the aqua orbs clenched Jungkook's heart, he hated it, he absolutely hated seeing tears in Taehyung's beautiful eyes which once filled with beautiful sparks, happiness, Jungkook can see the whole universe in them.

"Taehyung listen, baby that's very old, I don't even know Hazel has recorded it, I never touched anyone after that and more importantly I would never cheat on you, love" Jungkook cups Taehyung face, wiping the tears away, he was kneeling infront of Taehyung who was still crying, "I love you so much to even think about it Taehyung" the time around them felt like freezed as they look at each other, eyes flowing with raw emotions that Jungkook couldn't hide anymore.

He just doesn't want to rush anything but here he is, confessing on his knees, the thought of Taehyung might leave him after this has scared him, let alone a thought has made him feel like losing something in his life, something precious, his Taehyung, it's very short period, to fall in love, he knows, but he doesn't have control over his heart when it comes to Taehyung, the younger just barged into his heart without any warning.

His husband is ethereal, insanely hot and sexy. Soft and cute. Kind and innocent at the same moment, many shades that attracted him like a magnet, more importantly Taehyung is treating Nabi like his own, as if he has given birth to her and who would do that?! He is beautiful inside and out. Could anyone not fall in love with this ethereal being ?!

The same happened with Jungkook, love has no time to blossom in one heart, but once it starts blossoming, it's inevitable, he doesn't know when it happened but he fell in love with his husband, he always thought it was only him and his daughter till the end but when Taehyung entered their life, with each day passing, he stepped in to his heart to the deepest levels with no boundaries, causing a stir in the blondes life, blossoming a new feeling... Love.

"Hyung" it came out as a whisper, "I-I don't know if you love me or not, I don't care if it's too early for me to fall in love but I can't handle the thought of you leaving us... the thought alone is painful" Jungkook says, his own eyes are filled with tears, "I---"I promise you, it's just a old video and I would neve--"Hyung I know, and I am not angry on you...yes at first all I felt was hurt but I never doubted you, I know you were for--forced" Taehyung tears well up again.

Yes, he was hurt at the beginning, but as he came here and started to think, it made everything clear of what he has seen, he could see his husband being forced in his most helpless state, and it made him angry and hurt, disgusted at the women and the want to kill her, he couldn't digest the atrocity of Kwon's, how could someone do this?! Stoop so low!

He never doubted Jungkook, from the day of his marriage, he has seen his husband who puts every effort, he has seen a caring husband, a caring father and a son, Jungkook never made him uncomfortable, he always made sure of his safety, he was respectful with him, always made time for him, took him on dates, showered him with praises, his husband might not say much but his actions speak louder.

Taehyung's heart can only be fluttered against the older antics, he is soft, tease only for him, Taehyung knows it, because he witnessed it, for Taehyung he is perfect. When he agreed to the marriage, it was for Nabi, but slowly as he started to put efforts and started acknowledging his husband's efforts, he couldn't help but fall in love with him.

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