This is gunna suck

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Percy POV

"What do you mean Reyna is missing?" I demand

Reyna was one of the few people along with Frank and Hazel who didn't want to kill me when Hera took my memory and sent me to Camp Jupiter. She's gone through so much already and I owe her for all she has done.

"It happened last night they said. They had just finished their war games and everyone was going to bed. The next morning they found Reyna's room empty and messy. " Grover said

"Are you sure that she's really gone" Barry said

"They check the whole camp and even asked the goddess Lupa to help. But once they were convinced they couldn't find her they contacted us." Grover replied

I saw Annabeth begin to break down into tears. She and Reyna has grown very close after the Giant War.

"Anything else" Annabeth said as she tried to regain her composure

"Well... witnesses say they heard a loud thumping noise and they saw a flash of red lighting around Reyna's house." Grover said

That's when Barry stood up.

I could tell we were thinking the same thing. The man in the yellow suit kidnapped Reyna.

"No..." He said

"This is my fault" Barry said

I put a hand on his shoulder
"Hey... you couldn't have known that he was going after Reyna. "

I looked up at me. I could see fear in his eyes... probably the same looked he had when the man in yellow took his mother.

"This is all a test... or training exercise" Barry said

"What do you mean?" Said Annabeth

" He's trying to teach me. To teach me to go faster so that I can be strong enough to fight him" He said

" He's trying to teach you... to beat him? That's not very smart" I said

"He's trying to prove that he's better than Barry no matter how hard he tries. Its most commonly found in people who are too full of themselves" Annabeth said

"I need to do this... Last night I was no match for him. I have to become fast enough." Barry said

"We'll discuss this more during the war counsel after break fast" I finished

"Can you stand?" Annabeth asked to Barry

"Oh yea ... I'm kinda a fast healer" He replied smiling

Few Hours Later.....

"I'm pretty sure you all know why I have gathered you all here today. " Said Chiron when the war counsel began

All of the head counsellors in the cabins are here.

Me and Annabeth for Poseidon and Athena, Clarries and Frank for Ares, Piper for Aphrodite, Leo for hephaestus, Barry, and many more.

"Our good friend Reyna has been kidnapped" Chiron said

Although everyone already knows I can still see the pain and worry in everyone's eyes when Chiron said the news.

"We have reason to believe that are new camper, Barry Allen knows of the kidnapper." Chiron said as he motioned Barry to the stand

Barry approached the stand nervously.

"Well... um... the man who took Reyna is... a man in a yellow suit" he said nervously

"Nice job Sherlock" Travis Stoll said as Annabeth slapped his arm to keep quiet

"I fought him... and lost" Barry said

"So it's your fault!" Said someone from the Nike cabin

Barry looked ready to give up but I motioned him to go on.

Barry swallowed

"He is faster than me, I couldn't keep up with him. He's the same man who murdered my mother when I was 11." He said

Everyone looked down apologetically

"This is all a training exercises. To get me faster, for me to be "worthy" to fight him." He said

"I know it sounds crazy but he trying to break me by attacking people who I am connected to" He pleaded

Everyone stared in blank space.

"So now what" Leo said

"What do you think! We make a quest to find Reyna!" Piper said strongly

Jason stood up.

"One thing is for sure. This won't be an ordinary quest. We will need much more than 3 people if we are going to do this" He said

"I have to go" Barry said

"I'm going to" Piper said

"She's my friend to" Annabeth said along with Hazel

"So the seven from the Prophecy" Travis Stoll said

Chiron looked up

"Well you seven are on the monsters 'most wanted list' for restraining Gaea... But I can't think of a better team" Chiron said

I mean we were bound to go since all of our girlfriends are going.

"So it's settled... the Seven and Barry Allen will go on a quest to find Reyna" Chiron said

Jason stopped .

"So who's gunna lead it." He asked

"I should lead it" Barry said

But Annabeth stopped him.

"No... as fast as you are you can't do it all by your self. I'll lead it, besides I know everyone on this team better than you. No offense." Annabeth said

Barry nodded and looked slightly relived

Chiron stood up on his horse legs.

"Very well my dear, you will consult the Oracle first thing tomorrow morning. Dismissed" He said

Everyone dispersed except for us eight.

Barry turned toward us.

"Look... Sorry that I dragged you guys into this. I just want to say that I appreciate all you guys helping me" He said

Piper put a hand on his shoulder

"How could we not. We are now your friends" She said

Barry nodded thankfully

"Well one thing is for certain" Leo said

"This is gunna suck"

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