Chapter 1-Besties

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----Rikki's P.O.V----

"what should i wear," i asked myself starring at my massive walk in closet full of clothes. i'm one of those girls who has so many clothes but doesn't know what to wear ever. i finally decide on a black tank top with a white Lacey shirt on top, white skinny jeans and to top it off hot pink high tops. i never wear pink unless it's shoes or jewelry because it clashes with my red hair. speaking of my red hair it's pulled into a messy top knot because i'm way to lazy to do anything else with it.

i walk down the driveway and cross the street. i decide not to take my car to calum's house because it's only a 10 minute walk. calum for those of you who don't know is my best friend in the whole world. he also happens to be a member of 5Sos one of my favourite boy bands but we've been friends way before all that happened. i finally arrive at his house and ring the doorbell repeatedly just to annoy him. he finally comes to the door his face lighting up when he realized it's me. "hey rik long time no see," he said stepping out onto his front porch. "it's been a day not even," i responded rolling my eyes at calum. "feels like forever," he said pulling me into a tight hug. "wanna go for a walk," i asked pulling out of the hug. he smiled and nodded.

we started walking down the gravel walkway behind his house hand in hand. not in a couple way in a friend way. i have a boyfriend Xavier but you'll learn about him later. "well this is nice," calum said smiling at me. "no it's terrible," i said sarcastically. he laughed at me and dropped my hand running ahead. i rolled my eyes and ran after him at an incredibly slow pace due to my skinny jeans. i finally stopped running once i caught up to him at the park. i sat down on the swing. "push me," i commanded. he obeyed and started pushing the swing. i giggled i felt like such a little kid but it was so fun swinging. he stopped pushing me when the swing started getting really high. he then sat down on the swing next to me and started swinging himself. "wheeeee," i squealed jumping off the swing. he laughed as he jumped off as well. we both sat in the blue plastic tube thing they had at the park and decided to play truth or dare. "truth or dare," calum asked me. "truth," i responded. "uhm have you had your first kiss," he asked. i rolled my eyes because he already knew the answer. "yeup," i said popping the p and the end. he nodded as if it was the first time i had told him. "truth or dare," i asked him. "dare," he said. "go outside and scream i love rikki marsh because she is a sexy beast," i dared him. he crawled out of the tube and did as i said. i was dying of laughter as he came back in the tube. this game went on for hours until we both got tired and decided to walk back home. "cya calum," i called running up my driveway. "cya," he called back continuing to walk towards his house. i got inside and sat down flipping to MTV.

A/N: okay there's chappie 1 hope you guyz/girlz liked it :) quick review of who i am.  

name: maddie/madz 

age: meehee not saying 

occupation: fangirl 

and that's all you need to no about me :) plus im extremely awkward :) madzz outie ;)

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