Chapter 12-first date

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-----Rikki's P.O.V-----

"how do i look," i asked walking into Cecilia's room. i was wearing a peachy coloured summer dress and pink flip flops. my red hair was a tied in a high ponytail and i had on light makeup. "gorgeous calum won't know what hit him," she replied a huge smile on her face. i smiled and skipped out the door and all the way to calum's. people probably think i'm a weirdo skipping down the sidewalk but i don't care for once i was happy.

i got to Calum's and knocked on the door. "hey you look great," he said as he opened the door. "you don't look to bad yourself," i replied making both of us laugh. he stepped out and closed the door behind him. grabbing my hand we walked together to the plaza that was about a 20 minute walk from his place. it was a long walk but i didn't really notice because the whole time me and calum were playing truth or dare. the truths were random like would you eat squirrel brains and the dares were mainly things like scream i eat monkey's.

we finally got to the plaza and walked into mcdonald's. we ordered our food and sat in a booth at the back. "so any news with the jerk," calum asked as i was taking a bite of my burger. i finished chewing then informed him on what i saw at the mall. "i'm pretty sure he was dating her the whole time," i added at the end. calum looked like he was about to kill somebody. well he probably was about to kill xavier. "but all the matters is now and i'm with someone i know won't hurt me," i said trying to calm him down. it worked cause his face turned from angry to happy. he nodded and started to eat.

we ate in happy silence until Cecilia and her boyfriend Blake walked in and over to us. "Riki how funny seeing you here," she said with mock shock. "i don't need a chaperon i'm 16," i muttered. "i know i just wanted to check up on you," she said sitting down beside me and blake sat down beside calum who looked very uncomfortable. "good cause we were just leaving," i said scooting past Cecilia. blake got up and let calum out of the booth. we both walked out of mcdonald's. we walked halfway back to his place in complete silence. "i'm sorry about Cecilia she doesn't know when to quit," i said with a sigh. "sister's not like you can control them so whatcha gonna do," he said making me laugh. we walked the rest of the way back to his place cracking jokes about how many times Cecilia has "ran into" us when we hang out. we got back to his place a settled down to watch a movie. he put his arm around me and i rested my head against his chest. we cuddled and watched mean girls which was one of my fav movies of all time.

after the movie calum walked me back to my place. we stood outside the front door for a while just staring at each other. finally i gave him a quick kiss on the lips and stepped into my house shutting the door behind me. i sighed and ran upstairs. i took a quick shower changed into my sweats and t-shirt then walked over to Cecilia's room to give her a piece of my mind.

A/N: i know it's not that long i'm sorry guys but oh well maddie's whatcha gonna do ;) loool okay well cyaaaaaa babez

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