Chapter 1

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"You shouldn't do that, miss," the older staff at the airport told me in a sickly sweet voice, eyeing the cigar held between my slender fingers.
Her face, however, couldn't mask her annoyed expression as she looked as though she would rather be anywhere than here. Guess that makes two of us.

An irritated sigh passed my lips, as if the long flight wasn't annoying enough.

A brief exchange of glances with the mature woman triggered a fleeting recollection of how i would sincerely have apologized in the past .
Who was i kidding, i wouldn't have even thought of holding a cigar 2 years ago.

It seemed as though day turned into night in a flash, I sported a new look, a much more dark look and a dark personality that came with it like a buy one, get one free promo.

My once-blonde hair now a darker shade of brown, my waist-length hair now a pixie cut, and my once bubbly attitude gloomy .

Mr. Wang took my life makeover too serious and I wasn't complaining. At least I looked good.

Not even sparing her a glance, I took a long drag of the cigar before tossing the death stick into the bin. The loud click of my red bottom heels could be heard as I strode towards the exit of the airport.

The wave of nostalgia that engulfed me as I inhaled the brisk air of New York, inducing a sense of discomfort, to say the very least. It wasn't that New York wasn't nice, quite the contuary.
Only that whatever terrible memories i had here sent my ass to China for redemption and I had sworn to never to set foot in the damn country forever.Jokes on me.

Gazing ahead, numerous families stood with boards held above their heads and anticipation etched on their faces. Smiles adorned each of their small faces i could see from the area i stood, whether in the joy of welcoming someone dear or displaying signboards with welcoming messages that made me cringe internally.

Amidst this sea of warmth, the idea of lighting another cigar flickered across my mind .Damn i needed to light a joint. Addiction to cigar wasn't a bright idea at the moment but at least it kept from taking out the gun i had tucked in my pocket earlier and giving each of their whiteboards some more color. A bloodbath, i chuckled internally.

Looking forward a scowl etched into my face as I noticed that my ride wasn't even here yet. Andrew was running late. As much as I missed the young driver , I really didn't entertain the idea of standing here too long watching so much affection happening in my presence and the dangerous idea lingering in my head.

As I'm just about to pull my phone out to dial the young driver , a white Mercedes-Benz pulls up right in front of me. Luxurious, I thought, as a smile made its way to my face. It was totally worth my money spent.

" You better have a good explanation!........ " I tried shouting as the butler opened the door. " You were late because of this, seriously?" A frown etched onto my face as i scanned the overly pink baloons that had "welcome home" printed on it.
If Andrew wasn't my personal driver and one of the best information tech Mr. Wang had provided me , i would have probably shot him in the head for whatever this pink shit was.

" Ohh come on, i know you love it. I stressed so much trying to pick the perfect color, Pink" He replied smilling at the package. " I'm trying to get a raise here" chukling observing the cringe face i had on.

Popping the damn pink balloons with a pin i picked from my hair and sitting the car " I'd make sure boss knows you came late and had the nerves to bring pink balloons to pick up his assassin daughter. " i sneered at Andrew trying to keep a straight face.

" Snitch" he pouted, driving away.

The ride back to the mansion was chatty, as Andrew was someone who talked a lot for a smart person . As I drifted off to sleep, the only sound to be heard was the city's noise, navigation sound, and the sound of the car moving.
The reality of being back in newyork finally settled in.

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