Chapter 17

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It's been a few months since our return from the trip, and during this time, everything has been nothing short of fantastic. Xander and I are fully committed to growing our businesses. While support from friends and family is great, having the unwavering backing and motivation from your significant other adds a special touch. Our shared goals and mutual encouragement create a unique and enriching experience, taking our entrepreneurial journey to new heights.

After our trip, I stayed with Kelly for an additional three months, and she made me feel at home with plenty of food and ice cream. When I finally opened my studio, a significant milestone for my career, I asked Kelly and Jaz to model for my ad campaign. They were super excited and gladly joined in, especially enjoying the boudoir shoots. Their enthusiasm not only added a special touch to my campaign but also brought us closer, turning our work into shared memories. The entire experience was more than I could have asked for.

As much fun as it was rooming with my bestie, I knew I had to get my own place at some point, especially with her man often around. Despite her attempts to be quiet, she wasn't always successful, and I'm sure that man rocks her world, judging by the sounds from her bedroom.

Xander and I have been no better; any opportunity he gets to be alone with me, he's all over it. Whether it's on his desk during our lunchtime dates, bent over the kitchen counter, or even in the shower-almost anywhere you can think of. I'm starting to believe I might end up with a permanent limp with the way things have been going, and he always seems downright smug whenever he catches me doing the two-step, courtesy of our escapades.

Xander really didn't want me to move out and live on my own. He insisted I move into his place instead. I was pretty scared about making such a big move, and he knew it. But instead of pushing me, Xander took a thoughtful approach. He talked to my dad about the situation, trying to figure out if I needed more space and how he could reassure me without making things too overwhelming.

Surprisingly, my dad paid me a visit not long after that, and we went out for some ice cream. He made it a safe space for me to share and express all my feelings about the possible move. In our honest heart-to-heart talk, he casually commented that I should go for it, and I was left wide-eyed by his easy-going but supportive comment.

Deciding to move in with Xander is a big deal for us. We know it's an important step in our relationship, and we are taking the time to think it through carefully. We realize the weight of this decision and understand how important it is to handle it with care and careful thought.

Daddy had me cacking when he took out a sheet of paper and a pen and started reading from it, ticking it off based on my answers. It felt like a hilarious comedy act, with each checked box adding to the fun. His laughter was contagious, and the whole situation, though absurd, turned into an entertaining and funny moment.

He posed some thought-provoking questions that really made me delve deep into contemplating this decision about moving

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He posed some thought-provoking questions that really made me delve deep into contemplating this decision about moving.

1. Is our communication strong?

2. Do we communicate openly and effectively about our feelings, needs, and expectations?

3. Do we feel comfortable discussing important topics and resolving conflicts together?

4. Do we both share similar values, long-term goals, and visions for the future?

5. Have we spent enough time together to understand each other's habits, routines, and quirks?

6. Do I trust Xander and feel secure in our relationship?

7. Does Xander have a robust support system from friends and family?

I felt a lot better about the idea of moving in with Xander after honestly answering yes to all his questions. It was surprisingly comforting, bringing clarity to the situation and adding to a sense of calm within me. Our conversation not only addressed my concerns but also boosted my confidence in taking this significant step in our relationship.

As my dad dropped me off at Xander's place, he gave me the checklist we had discussed and shared some final words of wisdom. He stressed that "Moving in together is a big decision, and it's okay to take your time." His reminder highlighted the importance of not rushing into things and placed a strong emphasis on open communication. "It's crucial to communicate openly with him about your thoughts, feelings, and concerns to make sure you are both on the same page." With these words in mind, I stepped into Xander's place, feeling more prepared and ready with a new sense of consideration and understanding for the next step into our future.

At the end of it all, I handed over the checklist to Xan, and a beautiful, dimpled smile lit up his face as he looked at all the yes ticks. After that, we went into a long talk about finances and ironed out a few details related to household chores. Xan, always caring, suggested making some changes to make it feel like my home too. Interestingly, I found myself genuinely liking the dark aesthetic of the house, appreciating its unique appeal. Our talk didn't just cover practical matters; it also showcased our ability to make decisions together by understanding each other and finding compromises.

After reaching a decision, we called it a night. As we entered his room-now, I suppose, our room-he took my hand and guided me into his walk-in closet. It was peculiar that, for some unknown reason, I had never ventured into this space before. Yet, in that moment, I couldn't shake the feeling that this would soon become my favourite room.

 Yet, in that moment, I couldn't shake the feeling that this would soon become my favourite room

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First and foremost, let me tell you, this place is massive. Everything hung perfectly, and every item had its assigned spot. It was like a haven of organization, and I couldn't help but fall in love with it. Xander's half of the room was carefully arranged with his clothes, and on the opposite side, a duplicate space mirrored his, just empty and waiting for me to fill it with my belongings. The absolute perfection of it all made me let out a happy squeal that involuntarily escaped my lips because, oh my gosh, this was absolute beauty.

Right there, against the accent wall, he proudly hung a massive canvas featuring a sexy silhouette picture of me from the boudoir booklet I gave him for his recent birthday. Surprisingly, I can't even be mad about it because it looks absolutely stunning there. A picture of us together would look even better on that wall, maybe, I'll get him into considering a steamy photoshoot together soon-I can't help but think it could be incredibly enjoyable for the both of us.

 A picture of us together would look even better on that wall, maybe, I'll get him into considering a steamy photoshoot together soon-I can't help but think it could be incredibly enjoyable for the both of us

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