The start

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Esteban: it's about the cities of gold

Indali: did something happen ?

Zia : well yes

Tao : what happened ?

Esteban and Zia explained everything under the amazement of the others

Zia : and that's how we got here

Laguerra : so if I understand correctly there are four new cities

Mendoza: and we have to save the people of Mue

Esteban: exactly

Indali: (worried) Tao are you ok

Tao : I'm not the last distant of the Mue ?

Zia: yes

Esteban: you look surprised

Tao : yes I'm surprised I am not the last distant of the Mue

Mendoza: is that a good thing or a bad thing

Tao : that's amazing

Indali : do you know where the first city is

Esteban and Zia: no

Tao : do you have any clues

Esteban and Zia: no

Mendoza : what ?

Tao : that can't be we need at least one clue

Esteban:sorry Tao princess Rana-Ori didn't tell us about any clue

Zia : look on the bright side we have the memory temple we can start searching there

Laguerra : Tao do you remember in the memory temple there was a wall that you didn't read yet maybe it can be to use to us

Tao : but of course let's not waste any time to the memory temple

Mendoza : we will go to the memory temple tomorrow it's getting dark

Indali: I agree with Mendoza

Tao: but we can't wast any time

Laguerra : Tao the jungle can be dangerous at night

Tao : ok but we will go very early tomorrow

Mendoza: 7 AM it is

Tao : no 6 AM

Esteban: then we will go at 6AM

After a short night for Tao who was very excited to meet his ancestors and didn't sleep because he was talking to Esteban and Zia the sun appeared landing it's warm light on every tree leave Mendoza and Laguerra went to wake the children up to look in the memory temple for any clue that could help them

Mendoza: I bet that they won't wake up

Laguerra : ( laughing )that's for sure

Mendoza: ( entered the cottage of the children) ok who would have thought that you were awake

Tao : I am so excited that I didn't sleep at all

Laguerra : you to put it ...tiered

Tao : no I'm fully awake

Laguerra : if you say so Mendoza are Esteban and Zia sleeping

Mendoza: yes they are

Tao : don't worry I will wake them up

Laguerra : while you're at it please don't give them a heart attack

Tao : I won't

Mendoza: ( whispering to Laguerra ) I have a bad feeling about this

Laguerra : me to

Tao ran to his room where Esteban and Zia were sleeping

Tao : ( pulling away there blankets) WAKE UP IT'S TIME

Esteban: Tao please we want to sleep

Tao : no we have to go to the memory temple to look for clues

Zia : fine I woke up get up Esteban

Esteban: how painful it is to wake up every morning to see faces that block my soul

Zia:( laughing) ESTEBAN

Esteban: what ? I am telling the truth

Tao: then my face blocks your soul

Esteban: yes and your voice is like a bell ringing in my ear

Tao: ouch

Zia : I'm sorry about what he just said

Tao : I know he doesn't mean it

Esteban: ok what are we waiting for let's go

The tree children went to Mendoza and Laguerra who were waiting for them in front of the village's gate

Mendoza:what took you so long ?

Zia :Esteban didn't want to get up

Esteban: that's not true it was Tao who was talking to much

Tao : oh really

Laguerra : enough of that let's get moving

They all stared walking towards the memory temple after 25 minutes they got to there destination Tao was the first to enter followed by the others

Tao : here ....what about that .....definitely not.......oh here it is

Esteban: so what does it say our great nacal

Tao : (clearing his throat) let's see says in a land of legends the lost ones rise rebuilding the cities where the gold lies where the sun dances through the night where darkness never takes flight you will find the city of legends of the night

Zia : I don't understand what could that mean

Esteban: me to Mendoza do you have an idea

Mendoza: unfortunately no


I didn't write the clue I used a AI app for it the app is called
(Genie-AI chatbot )

I didn't write the clue I used a AI app for it the app is called (Genie-AI chatbot )

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