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Arthur coughs slightly and spits out the blood that comes with it. I noticed he was coughing, and I tried to be there every time he got sick.  "Arthur, you need to drink some water," I said. He looks away from Javier then at me, "I'm fine, I don't need any water, my love" I get up and get some water for Arthur even though he said he didn't need any, I knew this would make him feel a little better. I walked up to Arthur and said, "Drink this, it won't make your throat so dry." Arthur sat up and took the water. "Thanks, but I said I didn't need any" I stayed quiet, just glad he had taken the water from me. Arthur was the most stubborn person I had ever met. Our eyes met. He smiled and turned away to help Pearson. I couldn't lie, I was worried about him, ever since he got sick his face has been drastically changing. The color in his skin was gone and his eyes were bloodshot red. There had to be something out there to cure his TB. I knew I had to try, trying was the least I could do. I ran over to him as he was hitching his horse, "Arthur" I said. "Yes, my love?" I took his hand, "We should buy you some medicine, or anything to help." He didn't seem to like that idea. But he finally gave in, "Alright, anything for you." He helped me onto his horse and we rode into Saint Denis, in search of anything to help him. We arrived at the doctor's office. "Hello, mister," Arthur said, his tone changing from soft to firm. I nudged his arm, I didn't want to speak to the doctor. Arthur had noticed the signal I gave him and began asking for anything that could help him. The doctor shook his head, "I'm sorry about your situation son, but there isn't much I can do." I glared at Arthur, that wasn't the answer I had wanted, I wanted him to be able to cure him. It was hard seeing Arthur like this, seeing him sick and weak. We left and continued on our journey to no avail. There was nothing, nothing to cure him. I didn't want to believe it. We rode back to Shady Belle. Dutch came running towards us, "Tilly heard of a train going to the Valentine station! There is supposedly gold on this train." Gold? I had never seen gold before. Dutch twirled his beard. "Arthur, ride with me, we are gonna need some dynamite," Dutch said. I didn't trust the fact that Dutch wanted to get dyanmite, but I couldn't say no to him. "Y/N go get Sadie and Charles and wait for us at the Valentine station, I'll have Lenny come get you all once we are ready." I had no choice but to agree with him. Sadie and Charles were sitting around the campfire, almost as if they had heard Dutch and were ready. "Dutch wants us at The Valentine Station," I said. Sadie looked at Charles then at me, "What for?" I smiled, she was gonna be happy to hear this, "A train, full of gold." As soon as they heard the word gold they sprinted to their horses. We got to the station, "Now we just wait for Lenny." I told them. A few minutes passed and we saw Lenny turn around the corner, "The train is coming into The Wallace Station."  He told us. Since when did it change? That didn't matter, we followed Lenny. We waited on a hilltop until we saw Javier pushing a cart full of dynamite onto the tracks. Charles signaled us to follow him. As we waited for the train, Lenny began lighting the dynamite. We all covered our faces. The train came to an abrupt stop. We boarded it and began hassling the passengers for everything they had. I searched and searched but no gold was to be found. I looked over at Dutch, "I can't find any gold here!" I told him. Dutch ran over to me, "Well keep looking." And I did just that. I came upon a chest and shot the lock. Inside were 8 gold bars and 3 bill folds. I collected all of it into my satchel. "Guys, I found it," I yelled. Everyone heard me and got off the train. I wanted to hurry this robbery up, all I wanted was to see Arthur. I gave everyone their cut of what I found. We all went to Shady Belle. I felt relieved, relieved that we found money on that train, relieved that we were off that train, and relieved when I saw Arthur sitting at the campfire. I sat next to him, "Hey" I said. He looked at me and smiled. He leaned in for a kiss, and how could I reject him? 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21 ⏰

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