𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐨

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As Jake ran through the halls, he passed by the crowded gymnasium. He looked around and saw six people missing..



He ran to check every classroom. He eventually found Drew in the eleventh grade English class.

"Drew! Are you alright?! Where are the others?!"

"I don't know! Henry and Liam ran off to find you!"

"Shit." Jake paused before handing Drew a gas mask. "Put this on."

"What the hell is this?"

"It's a gas mask. Put it on and you should be safe."

Drew sighed and put on the mask. He tightened the strap of the mask and looked back at Jake.

"So, where are we going?"

"The clubroom, I'll bring you there and then go find the other."

"Fine, just know I'm still not friends with those freaks." He scoffed.

"Yeah yeah, just don't cause a fight." Jake replied as they started walking back to the clubroom. As they entered, Zander and Hailey gave Drew a dirty look.

"Just stay here, Drew. I'm going to go check around for everyone else." Jake looked up at the club. "He said he won't cause trouble. All I need is for you guys to get along for ten minutes. I'll be back soon." He smiled and ran back into the hall.

Jake walked past the gym again and heard screaming. He looked through the window and saw two human-like creatures, most likely the zombies. He quickly opened the door and saw as everyone crowded away from the zombies. Jake ran into the storage room and grabbed a hockey stick. He snuck up behind one and slashed its head open with the stick. He did the same to the other one as blood covered the floor.

Jake hesitated for a second.. [Did I just kill someone..?] He thought. He slowly moved closer to the corpses and made sure they were dead. He felt as if they were familiar in some ways.. He saw a small hair clip on the floor and he picked it up. He rubbed the blood off with his sleeve to reveal the green duck.


Jake felt his eyes water as he flipped the corpses over. One body had moss green hair and the other had a dark chestnut. It was Liam and Henry..

They had gotten infected when they went to find Jake.



"C'mon Liam! You'll come with me right?"

"Henry, he's probably with the music club."

"Don't be stupid, Henry. These are disposable masks. Do you really think they will do anything? Even if the gas is clearing up, one mask won't do jack." Drew argued. He had a point, Henry was crazy for considering this. No normal person would do something as stupid as wearing a disposable mask in toxins.. (ehem, Jake is a dumbass)

"Fine, I'll go alone if I have too."

Liam groaned and grabbed a mask from Henry.

"You're annoying." He said with a smile.

Henry and Liam left to find Jake. They were walking down the halls and saw a figure. It seemed to be Jake.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30 ⏰

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