get ready

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Sofia found it pretty simple to drive and walk into work with a smile on her face and hard to keep it off. Sofia kept in her mind that she was about to now have people living with her and she was happy she didn't have to be alone anymore. Sofia made it to work on time and texted her soulmates to let them know she was at the hospital tonight as trauma if they need it and she hope that the night goes smooth for all of them. Sofia hope that none of them had any problems tonight on their shift's she knew all her soulmates had to work so she just wanted a smooth night for all and hoped that nobody did anything stupid. though out the night she was texting her soulmates and she found out that soulmate had some horrible things happen to them and she just wanted to cry and then to TK he should stay away from kid's since he has such bad luck with them. And they all laughed since most of them said the same thing.  

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how she left for her shift 

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how she left for her shift 

================= brought to you by being lazy================================

Sofia was now ten hours into her 24 hours shift and she had only two traumas, so she started helping treat the people in the front lobby and making sure that everyone was took care of and was on the way to their floor if they weren't already there. 

Sofia then got the orders put threw for those who needed to be discharged and or those who needed medicine and more then she got started on the charting and looking at the vitals and notes the nurses have left and seeing if anything needed to be changed.

by the time Sofia was done it was now twelve o clock in the morning and she still haven't eaten or begun to start charting for her patients she did treat. Sofia then hears her pager go off asking for a 9-1-1 CODE BLUE which means someone was dying so they clearly did something off or they were allergic to something Sofia didn't know so she took off running to the room till she got there and asked for the run down and she was told it was an allergic reaction like she said then they o2 stats started to drop so i called in the code team because they heart stopped. Sofia could tell she was still a student because she missed the major thing in and allergic reaction so she told the team to give her 1 of epi and also a trac tray to set up for a trac since they wasn't  didn't protect they airway and now you couldn't see anything at all the while of doing CPR and now that they had equal breaths they had to get the heart started again so she told them to charge to 350 and get ready to shock him. the patient came back to life after that and now had to deal with a hole in their throat, but it probably would only be in there until, they got to the ICU because now a simple back pain is now something more because he didn't tell his doctors the full truth about what his allergic to and got the wrong medicine. Sofia the signed the chart and walked away to go and try to eat but she knew time was limited.

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