12. She's a bad influence.

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Danielle froze upon hearing Kaylee's words, she tried to come up with a good enough excuse but she couldn't. The brunette could see right through her. All she could do is avoid saying anything further.

"Well, I think you had a bit too many. Why don't I get you a taxi back home?'

"Playing hero, huh?"

"I guess it's your lucky night, Bryant."

"You're funny tonight, you know. Why do you care so much about me? Why don't you go back to your slutty friend and spend time with her?"

Kaylee was baffled with Danielle's overprotectiveness and the auburn didn't elaborate further. In fact, she made a face at her words.

"Well, I guess I'm stuck with you now aren't I?"

"I have a ride home, but thanks for offering."

The brunette turned away and tried to walk off but she stumbled, the dizziness overwhelming her so much so that she lost her balance and fell right to Danielle's arms who was there to catch her.

"Whoaa, there. You good? Please let me take you home Kaylee, this is not you.."

"You never use that word."

"What word?"

Danielle slowly lowered them to the ground, where they sat for several minutes still keeping Kaylee safely in her arms as her body was getting heavier from all the alcohol.

"Please. You're far from the good manners type of girl."

"Well, you just made me use it."

"Who could imagine the almighty Danielle begging to take me home.. sounds like a joke."

Kaylee laughed as if it was the funniest thing in the world while the auburn sighed. Kaylee's state was definitely worrying.

"Well, who could imagine I'd be sitting on the bathroom floor with you at 3am on a Sunday morning?"

Danielle said grumpily. It wasn't enough that Kaylee was completely wasted, she also thought it was hilarious.

"Your night can't get better than that."

Kaylee lowered her head, resting it on Danielle's shoulder as the other girl let her, while her dizziness was slowly making its circle.

"My night could have been so much better if.."

"If what?" Kaylee asked curiously, peeking up her head to look at the auburn.

"Never mind. Let's not go there, you're too drunk for this." The auburn gazed away with a sigh trying to not Kaylee read her thoughts.

"But I wanna know!" Kaylee whined somewhat loudly making Danielle break out into a relaxed laugh.

"Can you walk? I should take you back to your date, which by the way hasn't even looked for you at all."

"Pointing out her flaws already, huh?"

"Look at your state, Kaylee. I'm just saying. That girl is not the best influence for you."

"Oh, and you are?" Their gazes met, Kaylee wasn't really expecting an answer to that.

"At least I'm here getting you out of trouble, aren't I?"

Kaylee gave up being stubborn and used Danielle's hands to pull herself up on her feet and then they walked together to the door where they exchanged their goodbye.

"I'll see you tomorrow, have fun with.."

"Good night!" Kaylee left the bathroom and went back to her date as Danielle walked back to the bar feeling deflated still worrying about the brunette and her state.

"So, did you guys make out or something??!"

Bianca asked excitedly.

"No, nothing like that. We just chatted, if you could even call it that.."

"Psht, I don't believe that for a second. Is chatting a code for sex now?"

"She's wasted Bianca, I don't wanna take advantage of that plus I don't know if Kaylee wants to kiss me. It's a bit early for conclusions like that."

"You've gone soft, Russell. Maybe the girl is waiting on you to make a move, you're both slow as hell is my point."

"Whatever, this is not a competition. We should go, it's getting pretty late."

"We could make it into one."

"Say that again?" Danielle turned to the other girl, almost glaring at her. The competition was immensely high, now even her friend wanted the brunette.

"Let's see who gets to kiss the brunette first. You or me."


That night Danielle was turning and twisting in her bed, it was the first night in two weeks that she wasn't sleeping with Kaylee present in the room and it felt strange. More than that, Danielle was making up all these scenarios in her head with Kaylee being drunk and exploited and she just couldn't bare the thought. Plus, her friend suggesting they should compete against each other was driving her insane. She had gone from hating her roommate, to wanting to protect her from all this.

Early in the morning the auburn decided to give up trying to fall asleep and visit the college gym to blow off some steam. After a while of boxing someone approached her from behind, and Danielle turned around defensively being able to hear the footsteps.

"Calm down, it's just me."

"What do you want Leo?"

"You've been ghosting me for days now."

"Yeah well you and I are done, don't you get it? I'm not replying because there's nothing left to say." Danielle said coldly.

"I mean..I apologized for the pictures. Can we just move from that and have a fresh start?"

"This is more than just the pictures. It's your whole personality, Leo. I don't fuck with that."

"I miss you Danielle. Please give me another chance. We could make things work.."

Danielle had turned her back to the boy and started throwing punches again, pretending as if she wasn't bothered with him.

"Don't be so desperate..it's pathetic."

"What's pathetic is you overreacting over some drunk pictures."

"Seriously? Can't you just leave me alone?"

Leo's heart was shattered, in fact he was getting worked up with the whole situation, he wasn't used being rejected and all this chasing had exhausted him. Had made him so desperate. He wanted the girl, one way or another. He suddenly snatched Danielle's arm and turned her around, pushing her back against the punching bag at the same time.

"When I want something, I usually get it. We can do this the easy way or the hard way."

"That's bullshit. I'm not some kind of trophy. Get your hands off me!" Danielle snatched her arm away.

"I'm only asking for one night. One night with you and that's it!"

Leo's voice got deeper, and he had now stepped into the girl's personal space. Seeing there was nowhere to go Danielle couldn't step back, and her body came pressing into the boy's, feeling his legs pressing against her thighs. He was hard, it didn't take much to realize having the upper hand turned him on.

"Leave me the fuck alone you creep!"

Danielle kneed the boy in his privates, and moved away hearing him groan in pain. It was probably unnecessary but she didn't want to leave any loose ends with him and had to find a way to escape. That would surely teach him a lesson to keep his distance from her.

Danielle rushed back to her room, she felt disgusted with herself, for letting the boy touch her in the library, for all the times she made out with him, for the rumours, for making her feel like some kind of prize he could acquire. She wanted to immediately wash off her sins so she headed straight to the bathroom. She opened the bathroom door without much consideration of who may be inside.

❝𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐭 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐦❞ - Daylee Where stories live. Discover now