six (edited)

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"I can't believe it!" Ryder, one of my friends, exclaims.

"What?" I ask

"You've got a freaking FBI agent as your step-dad!" He yells at me, but not in an angry way, just surprised.

"So?" I question him again.

"So now everyone's gonna be too scared to talk to you in school!" He exclaims

I chuckle, "He's not like that, nobody has to know about his job, and if they do, then good."

"Well you better be damn glad you got so lucky!" Ryder says, staring me in the eyes.

"Ok weirdo." I chuckle

"Says the weirdo himself." He responds.

"Ace, you don't have anything to say?" Ryder asks

"Football practice starts in an hour." Ace replies nonchalantly, tossing his football in the air and catching it again.

"Are your step-sisters hot?" Greyson, another guy in our friend group, asks.

"Ew, they are, as you said, my stepsisters, I would never look at them that way." I want to gag just thinking about it.

"And don't you dare go playing with them, you hurt them and I will fuck you up royally." I threaten.

"Someone's gone into protective older brother mode." Ryder sings

"Shut up, of course I'll be protective, I finally have little sisters, I'm not letting them get hurt." I say

Greyson holds his hands up in a peaceful gesture, "in that case, lemme know if you ever need help fucking someone else up royally, cuz it won't be me."

As much as these guys annoy me sometimes, I know they'd move mountains for me and anyone I love.

"C'mon guys, we'd better get going, before Ace's girlfriend thinks he's broken up with her, oh wait no, he's dating his football games, so we don't need to worry." Ryder teases.

I elbow him, making him fall off the roof of the small shed we're sitting on.

He lands on his back, smiling up at us.

"As if you don't play football too." I say, causing him to gasp, feigning shock.

"You remembered me!" He fakes wiping away a stray tear.

I just shake my head.

"Ok but in all seriousness, when are your new family members getting here?" Greyson asks as we walk around to the front of the giant mansion that my soon to be step dad bought for all of us to live in.

It's definitely an upgrade from the dingy apartment mom and I lived in for a while.

I remember when mom first introduced me to him, I thought she was doing it simply to support me, but now I can see they truly love each other.

"They're coming tomorrow morning." I say, giving Greyson a 'watch yourself' look.

He once again does that peaceful gesture before getting in the back of my car with Ryder while Ace and I sit in the front.

I'm driving, obviously, since its my car.

"Daunt! Let's stop for coffee!" Ryder yells way too loudly.

I groan, "only if you shut your ass up for the rest of the ride!"

He complies, so I stop for coffee.

At least tomorrow I'll have siblings to entertain me instead of just these three assholes.


"What?!" Kirsten and I both exclaim

"You never mentioned that we'd be permanently moving there right away!" I shriek

"It's not permanent, if you don't like it there, then you can come back." Dad says

"This is just for the summer, so you guys can see how you like it." He continues

"When?" Kirsten asks

"Tomorrow morning." He says

"And you decided to tell us this after dinner?!" We both shriek

He just chuckles and turns back to his laptop.

I look at Kirsten, "time to do some organized packing."

We race upstairs, pulling out a suitcase from under her bed, we toss a few outfits into it, but mostly sentimental things, like jewelry or her favorite pajamas.

Somehow we end up with three suitcases full of only her stuff, and it's already midnight.

"Kir, we need to hurry with my stuff if we want to be able to look presentable when meeting our new family tomorrow morning." I say

"I'm just glad we're flying across California instead of driving." She says

"Why wouldn't we? The helicopter works so much faster than those crowded roads." I say, mimicking those rich girls you see on TV all the time.

Kirsten laughs.

For your information, yes, we do have a helicopter, which we are using, but no, we do not flaunt it like the rich kids in movies.

We were raised better than that.

"Lets make ourselves coffee first." Kirsten says

"How about you go make coffee, while I start gathering all of my outfits that match your packed ones." I suggest.

She nods, taking off down the stairs.

I walk to my room, completely drained, but I drag out three of my suitcases anyway.

By the time I've picked out all of the outfits that match the ones we packed for Kirsten, she has the coffee ready.

"Extra shot of caffeine, because I know we'll need it." She says, eyeing my bed that is covered in clothes.

I take a big sip of my coffee, almost instantly feeling a bit better.

I don't know how, but caffeine makes me feel so much better.

Setting the cup down, I get to work folding my clothes and cramming them into my bags, adding some jewelry, my haircare, and my favorite books, along with my drawing supplies.

"That took us three hours." Kirsten yawns

We both flop onto my bed, not caring to make her go to her room.

"We need pajamas, we can't sleep in jeans." I say, eyeing the jean shorts we wore to school today.

She groans, but we drag ourselves into my closet, slipping out of our clothes and into some baggy t-shirts with our highschool name on the front.

We flop back onto my bed, falling asleep almost immediately.

Tomorrow morning we'll be starting a new chapter of our lives, with new people in it.

As I drift off, it hits me,

We haven't even told Taylor and Joel.

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