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Your Pov-

I suddenly jumped up at the loud beeping noise next to me, coming to the realization it was my 4:30 am alarm- wonderful! (sarcasm).

"Why did I choose to be a productive person in society again?" I mumbled to myself as slowly rolled out of bed, slipping my house shoes on.

I rubbed my eyes and yawned as I made my way to my spacious bathroom before doing all of my hygienic morning routine- making my way into my closet to pick out an outfit to workout in.

"Ya know this whole 'bettering yourself' thing is a lot of work" I huffed out loud as I slipped my Nike running shoes on.

Truthfully i'd rather have just stayed in bed but i really do have a super busy schedule and one slip up can mess the whole day up- time is money.

I put on my blue air max pros before making my way out of my luxury Hollywood home and starting my run in my gated community.

This was one of the only times a day I could just be by myself and really think. I don't have long before I have to be back at home to get ready to go into my office.

Yes you heard me right, MY office. I own a real estate company- all self made. Took a lot of hard work and dedication but I am on top of my game and nothing can stop me now.

After what seemed like hours of intensive cardio I made my way back home and inside to my bathroom. I showered washing my sweat covered inked skin.

I made sure to complete all of my bathroom tasks before leaving and heading into my closet.

I changed into a dark gray suit with a white undershirt, leaving the top two buttons undone for a more casual look.

I sprayed cologne behind both of my ears before slipping on my black dress shoes and making my way downstairs.

I grabbed my wallet, putting it in my back pocket before grabbing my keys and bag- making my way into my garage. I got in my tesla before exiting my garage and making my way to my office.

As I walked into my office I was greeted by my receptionist Lauren who gave me a flirty smile which I replied to with a wink.

I sat behind my desk, logging onto my computer seeing what all I had planned for the day ahead.

I noticed I had multiple showing and one with a star by it in North Hollywood. If it's a super important a list client I have my assistant make sure to leave a star so I know ahead of time.

I grabbed the phone on my desk before calling my receptionist to bring me my regular coffee order with a thank you.

I smiled as she came in with coffee in hand. "Thank you Lauren, did you get something for yourself like I asked?" I said as I took a sip of mine, giving her a smile.

"Yes I did, thank you." She replied, biting her bottom lip softly.

"I told you not to look at me like that at work- it's not a good idea." I shook my head at the green eyed girl in front of me.

"I know we just had so much fun that night, remember?" She asked slowly walking closer to me.

I stood up from my chair giving her a soft smile. "I had a lot of fun, just not here sweetheart." I said as I looked down at the shorter girl before i escorted her out of my office nicely.

"Good god it was one night and we were both drunk, fuck." I mumbled to myself as I took a sip of my coffee.

I checked the time on my watch before realizing I needed to start heading to my appointments. I drove to the first one of the day running through everything before clients arrived.


"Last one of the day!" I exclaimed to myself as I walked into a beautiful home in North Hollywood.

This is my super important one with a high list client I reminded myself. I would say I have pretty good luck, i'm great at taking to people.

I smiled as I heard the front door open, making my way over.

"Holy fuck." I thought to myself as I approached the super pretty blonde standing in the doorway.

"Hi there, I'm Y/n your realtor." I said with a big smile, extending my hand.

"I'm Reneé." She smiled back, grabbing my hand in her much smaller one shaking it softly- electronically shooting up my arm as we touched.



LOVE U- A 🩵🩵

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