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Reneé Pov:

God I did not think moving across the country from New York to Los Angeles would be this stressful.

I've been so busy with appearances I decided it would just be easier to hire a realtor to help find a place than waste my time looking online.

And after seeing her pictures online her being hot was just a bonus!

I had a long day of open houses and so far all the places i've seen have been pretty disappointing, nothing has clicked yet.

"Alright this better be something to brag about." I laughed as we pulled up to the next listing.

"This one looked great online and i'm sure Y/n will make it worth it, she's had amazing reviews forever." He said as we got out of his car and looked up at the house in front of us.

"Woah this looks amazing." I said, walking to the front door with him following behind.

I extended my hand to knock lightly on the door before turning the handle and walking inside.

"Holy." I mumbled as I looked around at the open space amazed by how blown away I already was compared to all the other homes i've looked at.

I turned around quickly as I heard footsteps approaching, biting my lip as the tall figure made her way towards me.

"Hi there, I'm Y/n." She said as she reached her hand out for me to shake.

I immediately took her hand in mine, shaking it softly noticing how much larger her hand was than mine.

"Reneé." I smiled back as I slowly let go of her hand. "I can firmly say I already love everything I can see." I subtly flirted as I looked her up and down before looking around the entryway.

The much taller girl laughed and gave me a warm smile "Well i'm happy we're off to a good start." She said as she motioned for us to follow her to start the tour.

I did my best to focus as she showed me around she has got to be one of the most attractive people i've ever seen. I couldn't help but notice her muscular build from behind... and hey her ass wasn't too bad either hehe.

"So what do you think?" She asked as we stood in the kitchen, crossing her arms over her chest.

"I'll take it." I blurted out. "It's everything I was looking for and more." I smiled.

"Okay perfect if you're ready to sign today I can get this closed out by the end of the week and you'll be in here in no time." She said as she retrieved the papers from her bag, setting a pen on top of them.

I nodded excitedly as I read through everything carefully and signing on the dotted line.

"That was probably the easiest deal i've ever done." She chuckled with a smile as she set the papers back in her bag.

"Well you made everything so easy, so thank you." I said, biting my lip lightly. "I don't know if this is weird but since you helped so much in this process I was wondering if you'd be down to celebrate with me and my friends later tonight?" I asked with a hopeful smile.

She nodded "yeah I mean i'd love too. We'll definitely be seeing a lot of each other in the near future so i'd love to get to know you more." She replied.

"Then it's settled, give me your phone." I said as I took it from her hand and put my number in it.

"Well great just text me all the info and I will be there. It was great meeting you." She said reaching to shake my hand again.

I smiled over my shoulder as I walked out of the house with my manger "Holy fuck." I exclaimed as I looked over at him.

"Didn't know you'd leave with a new home and a girlfriend." he teased as we got to his car.

"Hey not my girlfriend yet." I winked as we drove away.


Your Pov:

"Holy fuck I have to call Haley." I mumbled to myself before pulling my phone back out to call her.

"Bitch you're not going to believe what just happened." I yelled into the phone at my best friend as she answered.

"Better be good you woke me up from my nap." She huffed.

I rolled my eyes as I listened to her. "I don't know is it good to Reneé Rapp gave me her number and asked me to hangout with her later?" I asked before hearing incoherent screaming coming from the other side.


I laughed loudly as I covered my mouth. "I know i can't fucking believe it. I'm definitely going i'm just nervous." I explained.

"Dude there's no need to be nervous you're hot, she obviously asked you because she was feeling you." She said through the phone.

"Yeah I guess you're right. Can you come over and help me pick something out to wear?." I asked as I exited the property and got into my car.

She agreed to come over before we both said our goodbyes and I made my way back to my place.

Haley was already waiting for me in my driveway by the time I got there.

"Okay how many traffic violations did you commit to get here that fast?" I asked with a laugh as we made our way into my house.

"Thats none of your business." She laughed back, following me upstairs into my closet.

"Where is the hangout happening?" She asked, flipping through my clothes.

"I believe she said it's just a club in North Hollywood, so casual." I replied.

We decided on a pair of black cargo pants and a loose fit graphic tee.

"Not too bad." Haley smiled as I changed in the mirror.

I felt a buzz in my pocket before reaching in and grabbing my phone, smiling to myself as I read the message.

Hey! We are thinking of heading out soon. Here's the address. (Address) 🩵

Y/n: Sounds great! I will meet you all there :)

I put my phone back in my pocket before looking over at Haley. "Alright it's go time." I said with a smile.

"You can stay just lock up if you leave before I get back." I say to my best friend as I head into the garage and get into my car.

"Okay let's do this." I mumbled to myself before making my way over to the address Reneé sent me.


LOVE U- 🩵🩵

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22 ⏰

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