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In morning you wake up and found Taehyung sleeping in your arms .

A smile formed on your lips .

You pecked his forehead and caressed his head.

Again the words he whispered yesterday started roaming in your mind.

You shrugged your thoughts off thinking that he will tell himself if he will feel like it.

After sometime, he started moving and then he opened his eyes.

You passed a smile which he gladly returned .

He pecked your lips and said .

"I am sorry i created a mess on our first date." He said .

He sat on bed with you in his arms.

He made you face him.

He took your hands in his and said.

"Y/n ! I am not weak . I just don't know ! From the fear of losing you too , i don't know why i am becoming weak. I am becoming weak for you . Until you didn't come in my life , i had nothing to lose. But now i am scared! I am scared about what if he ! What if he also tries to harm you . No i can't afford losing you. Never ! Instead of losing you , i will sacrifice myself . " Taehyung said.

"Let me tell you ! I don't think our story will ever get a happy ending. My life is full of secrets that only I know . Not even my grandma know these all . Before i met you , i was holding everything in my heart .I even forgot what being loved feels like . What it feels like to have someone right beside you in highs and lows. What it feels like holding your life in your arms . You know ? I even forgot to smile. I just caged myself inside a room and threw the key of that room somewhere. But then you came in my life . You had that key and you opened the door and took me out . And now i know , it's not easy to go back where we were. " he said.

"I am telling you that in our story , there will be many twists . And the ending won't be happy. But trust me i will not let anything happen to you. After knowing that i got someone whom i love , he will surely come toruin my happiness again . Either he will try to harm you . And i can't bear that. So y/n ! After coming here and after knowing the possibility of being lost forever in this dark world , you still have chance to leave me. Because if we move forward in our relationship, it will be impossible for me to survive without you . You had become my oxygen, my heartbeat and my reason to live y/n . So don't delay it. Just forget me and move on . " Taehyung said all this and almost broke down .

You can feel that how tough it was for him to tell you to move on.

Without delaying, you attached your lips to his.

He also kissed you back.

After sometime you broke the kiss and said.

"Do you think i can survive without you ? If i had to move on , i would have done that when i got to know that you are dating bora. But trust me Taehyung, i didn't love you to get you , i love you to earn you and make you mine forever. Even if it takes days, months or years. And even after we will get separate , we will surely reunite one day . And that day , i will hold your hands in mine , hug you tight and take you to our world away from these all. I will take you where no one can separate us . Where no one can try to harm us . Where there will be only you and me.
If i had to leave you , i would have done that way before , but i didn't. Because you made me understood what true love feels like , what it feels like being in someone's arms who have the capability of protecting you , what it feels like when the presence of that one person can give you millions of butterflies.
So no matter what happens i will never ever leave you . You are my first love and will also be the one till eternity. My love for you is unconditional and eternal . It is not something which can be broken my someone.
You get that?" You said opening up your whole heart in front of him.

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