six - feathers can fly

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Warmth. Warmth filled the room as Blake sat on top of the Kitchen counter, Cedric leaning next to her as the twins slept on the other side, leaning against each other as light snores came from both of their mouths. A plate of cookies sat in between the group, the smell highly addicting as the girl laughed, a cookie in her hand as her eyes glazed over with tears. "And then...and then I went into Uncle Lucius' office, I took the diary from his desk and I wrote in it" she whispers, snorting a laugh between her words as she takes another bite of the white chocolate cookie in her hand. "And when I wrote into it, my writing disappeared and the book... the book wrote back... and I was talking to this guy, Tom Riddle his name was. We talked for weeks until my Uncle found the diary and took it away." A pout fills the girl's mouth as she looks down, the laughs of Cedric beside her making her dissolve into another fit of laughter.

The next morning, Blake found herself on a yellow couch, the twins on the floor both hugging a potted plant, Fred chewing on the leaf of his as Cedric carefully took the plant away from the two. He had a fresh uniform on while the others had to charm their own to freshen up. Memories of the night before were obscured by a raging headache. The young girl groaned as she sat up, throwing a pillow at Fred's head as she smirked waking both him and George up as they too groaned, their brains throbbing against their skulls. "What happened last night?" George spoke as he sat up, dragging his taller twin up with him, "Yeh, why do I smell like a fire?" Fred continued smelling his jumper with a grimace. "I have no idea..." Blake whispered, holding her throat as it stung. "We had the cookies and then came back here and drank some butterbeer and firewhiskey... yes even you Blake," Cedric spoke, a smirk on his face as he messed the girl's hair up.

After a very slow wake-up, the trouble-makers walked down the long hallways of Hogwarts. The cool breeze calmed the pain in their heads slightly, as well as the calming drought that Jake Percius had given the group when he had come down the Ivy-covered stairs in the morning. Jake was a tall boy, with blonde hair and diamond-blue eyes, he was in the same year as the boys and a great friend to Cedric. 

Their feet hammered the whole way to the great hall, where the group then decided to take a seat at the Gryffindor table, not caring that two were from rouge houses. Pancakes were piled on all of their plates, syrup dripping off of them and pooling as everybody around them looked at them with raised eyebrows. The four friends ignored the eyes that were on them, Blake ignoring the calls of her cousin as she held her middle finger up at him.

"One of a wizard's most rudimentary skills is levitation. The ability to make objects float, do you all have your feathers?" Professor Flitwick asked as he stood upon a tower of books. Hermione Granger lifted her feather slightly as behind her Blake Lestrange tickled her nose with her feather, causing her to sneeze slightly. Pansy snickered next to the girl as she whispered a quick "bless you".

"Now, don't forget the nice wrist movement that we've been practising, swish and flick," he said showing the class the movement once again. "Now with me" he called, as the class followed his movement and echoed his words "swish and flick". Wands were placed back onto the wooden desks as the professor spoke once more "Good, now remember to enunciate, Wingardian Leviosa..." The whole class started to try the spell, with Blake doing it half-heartedly before she stopped and watched the Weasley boy and the Granger girl below her.

"Stop, stop, stop, you're going to take someone's eye out, besides your saying it wrong. It's LeviOsa, not LeviosA." She chastised as Ron looked at her in astonishment, Blake sporting a smirk as she nudged Pansy and nodded to her Gryffindor friends. "You do it then if you're so clever... go on." the boy told her as she picked up her wand, pointing it towards the feather as she moved her hand in a quick swish and flick, whilst reciting the incantation "Wingardium Leviosa". The feather slowly began to rise as the wand in Lestrange's hand fell with a clatter onto the desk, Weasley's mouth dropping open as Potter smiled proudly.

As everybody caught sight of the floating white feather, the room went quiet. "Oh ho, well done, Miss Grangers done it" Flitwick called as Ron turned away from the girl, head in his arms as he huffed. Blake rolled her eyes slightly at the look on Harry's face. Her silver eyes were dragged away from the pair however when she saw Seamus Finnigan take his wand out once again. "Wingardium Leviosa, Wingardium Leviosa, Wingardium -" the Irish boy was cut off as his feather exploded in a blinding flash.

Soot covered the boy's face, his hair pointing upwards away from his face as the burnt, glowing feather floated back down, smoke filling the small area around the boy as Harry spoke quietly, a shocked expression on his face, "I think we're going to need another feather over here Professor".

As soon as the lesson was over, Blake said a quick goodbye to the Gryffindors, before running out of the class and jumping onto Cedrics' back as he walked alongside Jake, Fred, and George on the blonde boy's other side, George on Fred's back as he high fived the girl, laughing as they both called "weeeee" in unison. The teachers and ghosts looked towards the Trouble Makers with small smiles, images of Padfoot, Prongs, Wormtail, and Moony roaming the halls.

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