~6~ Troubles and goodbyes

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Hi! I just wanted to suggest you to read this chapter whit this song that I really like, and that I thought it would be good for what I wrote. 

If you want to do it, I think it would be better to start it when Dazai starts reading Chuuya's messages, but the choice is yours!

Enjoy the reading!


I love you

Fast footsteps, shouts, someone calling my name. But my mind can't focus on anything other than those three words written three years ago by the most important person in my life. Before I know it, someone grabs me by the shoulders, and turns me around. It's Kunikida, yelling something about an emergency. He slams the door to my apartment shut, forcing me to get up from the floor and follow him.

We join the others at the entrance to the old quarry. Kunikida's explanations go in one ear and out the other, leaving my mind to absorb only a little information. Suddenly, everyone starts running through the tunnels, towards what must be the problem, but without noticing the strange figure that is following us. My colleague keeps babbling about a new criminal syndicate that has injured Ranpo-kun and taken many hostages, hiding them in the underground tunnels of the quarry.

We are suddenly imprisoned in what appears to be a force field, inside which there are two hooded figures, who begin to use a fire ability and a soporific ability on us. After creating a sort of gas mask for himself, Kunikida begins quickly writing in the notebook to create weapons, while I, immune to their powers, try to deal with the two enemies.

Out of the blue, a scene from a few years ago comes to mind, when Chuuya and I fought entire criminal organizations alone, only ever coming out with minor injuries. Lost in my thoughts, I don't realize that I'm kicking Kunikida instead of the hooded guys. Because of me, his gas mask comes off, and he begins to lose consciousness, ending up pinned down by the bigger of the two. The other, having realized that he cannot defeat me with his skills, takes a radio from an inside pocket of his cloak, whispers a coordinate, and I feel a portion of the earth collapse under my feet.

I feel myself falling for several meters, until I land on the beaten ground of a tunnel much deeper than the one where we were before. In pain, I sit up and assess the situation. On one side, the tunnel ends naturally, probably never finished digging, while the other is blocked by a wall of boulders and earth. A trap certainly prepared in advance. I then try to stand up, but my right leg immediately gives way under my weight, and I fall again. I drag myself backwards, leveraging my arms and the other leg up to a wall, where I can rest my back and better check my condition, thus also avoiding another possible collapse where I was. I roll up the hem of my trousers on my injured leg, and I notice a more than obvious red swelling near the tibia bone. It's probably a displaced fracture, I have to be very careful to avoid the broken bone piercing any blood vessels or the skin itself, causing an infection. To be sure, I also check the condition of the other leg, full of bruises and scratches, as I imagine my arms are under the bandages. The hands, on the other hand, are badly scraped, and burn like a mess.

I look for my cellphone in my jacket pockets, but only find the old one. Right, I left the other one on the couch while I red Chuuya's messages. I check the operation of the thing, breathing a sigh of relief when it turns on. After four years, I obviously ran out of phone credits, and deep in the earth they have not established telephone reception, so calling for help is highly impossible. I was also careful not to waste my beautiful voice screaming at the hole I fell out of, having been closed up with the help of the force field ability and more dirt thrown on top.

His last message ~Soukoku~Where stories live. Discover now