Chapter 2

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Miracle #2:

Today when I woke up it was raining but I knew I would have to go fly a sign to provide for my family. I am disabled and I am still waiting for Social Security to call me back to receive disability money. On the way to where I fly my sign my boyfriend and I prayed to God and asked him to bless us with $100. When I got to where I fly my sign I sat down in my fold up chair, listened to Christian music, thanked God for everything he has given us thus far. I even thanked him for the rain. An hour later I received $120. God heard us and helped us manifest what we asked for and more. This is one of the reasons why I will always believe in God and trust Him and I will never forget the miracles he has done for me and has made happen in our lives. Not only do I talk to God when I need something but I talk to Him thanking Him for all he has provided for us. I hope this helps the people who are interested in manifesting what they need and want in their lives.

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