Ballers -part 1 (3 point players)

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It had been a difficult game. Cass was feeling absolutely floored but he was not going to let his aches and pains spoil the sweet taste of victory he and his team had just earned. He had been mismatched up against the biggest defender in the college basketball league and he had managed to sneak his way to the basket plenty of times. The Beavers had managed something remarkable and he was starting to feel emotional that 3 years of hard work had paid off.

The morning after the day before, Cass woke up with a smile on his face thinking of the celebrations, the victory parade, the champagne but above all what this would mean for his own personal career. At 5'8" and with a fairly slim build, he had made a habit of proving fellow team-mates, coaches and commentators wrong. "Kiddo , you ain't making it if you can't touch the rim", were his coach's first words when he turned up for trials as a freshman. By the time those trials were done, the Beavers believed they had discovered their new three-point man.

Cass decided to get out of bed and go to the gym and shoot some hoops. As soon as he got out, he felt sharp shooting pains along his back and down his legs. He walked gingerly, and thought he might need to get checked out by the team physio. But with the celebrations and alcohol flowing freely into the early morning, he knew he might have to wait until the Monday for Roger, the man with the "magic hands" to assess him.

The gym was fairly quiet for a Sunday morning. He was watching the sports courts below from the viewing gallery upstairs. The cheer squad were on one half of the court, practising their stupid manoeuvres. Cass was drawn to the other half of the court where the women's basketball trials were happening. He was trying not to roll his eyes too far out, these girls were so useless and he felt they got more recognition than they deserved for just playing a man's game. Maybe it was years of his dad's attitudes rubbing off on him but he had been called a pig for his attitudes by many of his ex-girlfriends and countless girls he had slept with barely remembering their names. He smirked thinking if he would be walking back tonight with one of the cheerleaders who should be fawning over "3Point Cassie" , the champion that he was.

His attention was drawn to one of the girls in the Bball trials. She had just scored two consecutive 3 pointers from a fairly wide angle. She was Asian, looked strong, not the tallest, but Cass knew not to judge a player from height alone. He had not seen her before in the girls teams so she must be a freshman. He could see her wrist position could be so much better but he could see the promise in this girl. He couldn't help but admire her long slender legs, and was already thinking if perhaps she would be the one coming to bed with him that evening.

"Heyy Cassie! Do you want to come down and relive a few hoops you shot last night?",shouted Mike Hallam, the girls coach, looking up. The Chinese girl was with him, so Cass signalled that he was coming down right away.

Cass strutted into the courts, to some applause from the adoring fangirls and Mike. He did notice that the Chinese player seemed to be looking at the cheer squad training and not quite paying her due respects to him. He felt a bit slighted but forgot about it quickly enough with the adoring girls wanting to shake his hand and take some selfies.

When he had some time with Mike, he asked if the trials had gone well. " That girl has promise as a shooter", Cass mentioned, pointing to his yet-to-be impressed young lady. "Oh yeah, Yan here has transferred from Eugene and I think we may have found ourselves a girl Cassie" said Mike, beckoning the girl to come over. Yan walked over and offered her hand "Yan Li, nice to meet you Cass". She still had a strong, neutral expression. Cass seemed a bit disappointed she was not fawning or giggling to meet a superstar like him. He was even more surprised at the strength of the hand shake he received. "Errr, hi , how's it... How's it going?". Why was he feeling a little intimidated by her demeanour ? This was ridiculous, he felt she was disrespectful even if she clearly was being polite. "You know who I am, right?". A slight smile escaped Yan's lips. "Sure, you were great last night" she said. Again, nothing effusive, none of the usual feminine excitement he had grown to expect. Well, if she was so cold, fuck her thought Cass. "Hey, if you want to make it in college basketball, you need to work on your technique shooting the angles" ,Cass commented. "Do you want to show me what I am doing wrong" Yan replied. She had already assumed he was going to agree, taking the ball and walking to an angle from the basket. She bounced the ball a couple of times, looked up and in one smooth movement jumped and launched the ball clean into the basket. Mike was grinning at this little show from his latest find. Cass walked over, and was about to show the move when he felt the sharp pain shooting down his back and legs and he let out an "owww fuck" holding his back. "Hey, you ok?" Yan showed concern and he felt her strong hand on his back where he was clutching it. Cass felt a bit embarrassed. " Yeah, I think I must have pulled something last night. I'll be ok. Just focus on keeping your weaker hand straight up before releasing with the stronger hand". Yan smiled, instantly making him feel better. " Thanks, I will keep that in mind. Hope you are going to be ok" she said, taking her hand off his back. She was about the same height as him, Cass noted. He was used to the girls in the basketball team being taller than him as well but atleast there would always be a few that would look up at him. Up close, he noticed Yan was strong, and had strong abs and hands. Her short hair was clipped back but he was imagining himself running his fingers through it while she was on her knees in front of him. "Do you want to hang out, I could talk you through some tips over a drink" he offered. Yan looked a little surprised at this offer. She glanced away, towards where the cheer squad was practising, and said "Oh, I am waiting for my friend to finish and have plans to hang out with her". Cass felt insulted, how could a noob female basketball player turn down the offer of the star college player ? It was one thing not fawning or flirting, but entirely another to turn down an offer of a date! And, to add further insult it was turned down so she could hang out with some dumb bimbo from Cheer ? He looked at where Yan had pointed to, and noticed a few pretty girls being thrown around by some strong male cheerleaders. Hmm, the only saving grace was that she was not waiting to hang out with those guys.

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