how to dream

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she knew how to dream.

to her, dreaming was like a kaleidoscope of images, dancing upon the canvas of life. dreams breathed life into her faded memories, adorning them in rose-tinted shades of nostalgia. just as a fire ignites with a single spark, dreams ignited within her, illuminating the deepest corners of her soul. within the tender glow, they forged a connection to the ethereal world, bridging the gaps between the conscious and unconscious realms of her existence.

           "sweet night - v"

0:11 ━●────────── 3:34 ㅤ ㅤ

                ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ

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nabi nodded her head to the beat of the song. something was missing. was it drums? no. guitar? no. that wasn't it either. something about this song just felt empty. she looked up at the night sky. when she lacked inspiration, she just looked up. somehow, she felt that the sky had all the answers, and even if it didn't, it felt like the clouds wrapped her up in a warm blanket, and as she reached up, she swore she could have touched the sky. music was her life, her soul. it was like a comic panel that went from black and white to vivid and filled with color. she smiled. the oceanside was empty as always, and the mist fogged up the air around her. nabi couldn't tell where the ocean ended and the sky began.

and all of a sudden she knew.

she knew exactly what she was missing.

and she began to sing a tune. 

and her voice carried itself across the air and water, swaying like a cherry blossom in the summer breeze.

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