Shadows of Despair

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{Genevieve walked slowly to the stables her eyes red from crying. Everywhere she looked the castle seemed to be much quieter and smaller without Elara running about with the twins. Even Willow and Aurora seemed much quieter and sadder without their playmate. They had searched everywhere. Even the outlands of Fairyland. Genevieve herself had checked on Grumblewix and Dragonheart to see if she was there. She even went as far as checking the Realm of Eternal Light. But Elara was nowhere to be seen. Now there was only one place left to check. The Real World. And that is exactly where she was heading to as soon as she got Shadow. As she entered the stable yards, even here it seemed quieter as well. Hanner was busy scrubbing the water buckets while the other dwarfs got the feed ready for the horses.

{Hanner looking up} Hello Princess Genevieve.

{Genevieve} Hello, Hanner. I hope you and the dwarfs are well.

{Hanner} We are well. How have you and Ash been holding up?

{Genevieve approached Hanner with a weary smile, grateful for the concern of the dwarfs who had been like family to her and Ash.}

{Genevieve} We've been doing our best, Hanner, but it's been a difficult time. The castle feels empty without Elara's presence. We've been searching tirelessly for her, but she's still missing.

{Hanner's expression grew somber, and he set aside his work to give Genevieve his full attention.}

{Hanner} She is a ray of sunshine your daughter is. I hope you find her soon and that she will return home safe and sound. Me and the other dwarfs have been keeping a candle lit at night and at a window in hopes that she will return.

{Genevieve's eyes glistened with gratitude as she listened to Hanner's heartfelt words. The dwarfs had always been a source of warmth and support, and their gestures of hope meant the world to her.}

{Genevieve} Thank you, Hanner. Your kindness and the support of all the dwarfs mean more to me than words can express. Elara is indeed a ray of sunshine, and I long for the day when she returns home safe and sound.

{Hanner nodded in understanding, his eyes reflecting the shared concern for the missing princess.}

{Hanner} We'll keep that candle burning, Princess Genevieve. And we'll keep a watchful eye for any sign of her return. May the winds of fortune be with you in your search.

{Genevieve} Thankyou Hanner. Is Shadow in his stall?

{Hanner} Yes he is. I go and get him saddled.

{Genevieve} Its ok Hanner. I can tack him up.

{Hanner} No I insite you have much on your mind.

{Genevieve appreciated Hanner's thoughtfulness, and she nodded in agreement.}

{Genevieve} You're right, Hanner. My mind is heavy with worry, and I appreciate your help.

{Hanner quickly went to Shadow's stall and began to saddle up the majestic half Kelpie. Shadow stood patiently, as if sensing the urgency of the situation.}

{Hanner, speaking softly to Shadow} You take good care of Genevieve, Shadow. Bring her daughter back safely.

{Genevieve approached Shadow, her heart filled with gratitude for her loyal steed.}

{Genevieve, softly to Shadow} We're embarking on a journey, my friend. Please, lend me your strength and guidance.

{With Shadow now saddled and ready, Genevieve mounted him, her determination unwavering. She turned to Hanner one last time.}

{Genevieve} Thank you, Hanner, for everything. I'll return as soon as I can.

{Hanner} We'll be waiting and hoping for your safe return, Princess Genevieve.

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