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I've been thinking about this all fucking day. I was arguing with my older brother about this. WHAT THE FUCK CAME FIRST?!?! The chicken or the egg? Now, I thought it was the chicken, but like, how did it get there?

But how did the egg get there?


But like my brother was like "oh it evolved from dinosaurs" EXACTLY!!! but the egg did to!! So, it was all a dinosaur before it became a chicken!

But like, obviously, maybe, possibly, one day the chicken hatched from the dinosaur egg, and it was supposed to be a cute little baby dinosaur. But INSTED of hatching into a dinosaur, it hatched into a chicken!! And the mom was like "wtf"

I don't know. BUT THEN the more i think of it, it confuses me, and I don't know what to believe anymore. It WAY to confusing and advanced for my 3 brain sells, sooo....

Yep. Thank you for your time ❤️

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