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I moaned as I felt my insides scramble. Baki Hanma, also known as Yujiro Hanma's son, or the strongest high school student to ever exist, is on top of me, thrusting in and out.  Sweat trickling down his face. Hands touching places that have never been touched before.

My moans filled the room of my apartment. His thrusts were strong and painful, but the pleasure canceled it out. I could hear his grunts and groans, it's almost like he was singing a beautiful song to me.

I was obviously louder than him in every way, shape, or form, my vocal cords were almost at their peak.

So was I, I could feel my legs shake uncontrollably, my fingers left deep, red marks on Baki's back. "P-pleas-" I couldn't make out my words, then I came, so did he. I felt Baki pull himself out then he removed the condom.

"That was fun, cya." Baki left quickly as he came. He recently got dumped by his girlfriend, Kozue Matsumoto. She cheated on him with a well known man, Muhammad Ali Jr. 

His father is Muhammad Ali, a professional boxer. I can see why she'd  go after him. For the money, nobody could see it, Kozue was a petty scum that used men for their money; She's what we call a Gold Digger.

Muhammad Ali was reaching towards his exit. He was almost there, his death couldn't affect me in the slightest, he was old, and yet so strong; I'd be lying if I said that it wasn't impressive.

I cleaned myself off, by soaking myself in the warm water of my shower. I sighed, my body was exhausted, I was exhausted. 

I thought of Baki, my high school crush.. to think that my heart would get broken twice by the same dude. 

The first was when he started dating Kozue, the second was today. When I figured out that he was just using me for sex. He didn't care, but i'll be damned if I said that he wasn't good in bed. 

"Shittttt." I cursed, I have work tomorrow, I work for the hospital, as a nurse. My job is pretty sexualized by horny teens. 

They always think that I'm a slut or a porn star for being a nurse. Always something so immature, and perverted. 

I prefer the older men, especially the ones that are good in bed. I dried off my body using a white towel, as I slid on underwear, and clipped on my bra.

I slid over my shoulders a baggy black shirt, and pulled up some light grey sweatpants. 

I slid on some white socks, and slid my feet through black sliders. 

I took a deep breath, as I watched my breath turn into steam, it was decently cold outside, screw this, I entered my house right after I exited it and grabbed a blue baggy sweatshirt. 

'There we go, nice and warm!' I thought, flipping my hood over my head, and tying a little bow using the draw strings. 

I opened my door once again, much prepared to battle against the cold wind that blasted my face, turning my cheeks bright pink, dusting my nose with a lighter shade of pink. I giggled as I thought that I was literally battling against the cold, taking a shield and a sword.

I walked down the sidewalk and it started to snow, even though my romance situation was in shambles, that doesn't mean that I have to be as well. 

Who knows, there is a 0.000001 percent chance that I could find a cutie on the sidewalk in the middle of the night, while it's snowing. Right? 

It would be crazy, no absurd if there was someone out her that isn't me.
I had continues walking, until a convenience store came in my view, I decided to grab a coffee, or something warm.

I went to chech out and there wasn't anyone at the check out counter, 'hm? where is the worker' I thought, I peeked over the counter and I screamed..

There was a body, the workers body, you couldn't even make out if it was a female or male.

Limbs were bent in in-human ways, my first reaction is to call the police, but could they make it here in time? the body was rising up and down, its still alive!

Confidence courced through my body at that moment, I grabbed whatever medical things I could possibly find. I had called the police beforehand, they and said that it would be a bit before they could make it. Figures.

I moved the body towards an open and less cramped area, I started going through drawers and I had found drugs, Vecuroniom, It paralyzes the body. I found a needle too, I was able to paralyze the body safely. I didn't really want to know why a convience store had such a substance but I'll let the police handle that.

I twisted the parts to a more humanly shape, it looked incredibly painful, just then the police came with an ambulance, there were cameras everywhere so they should be able to find out who did this monstrociety.

I was asked questions by an investigator and I was let off, I started walking back home, just then I realized I forgot my coffee.
"shittttt" How much wore can this day get? I cursed out loud.

I was walking, the snow had gotten much heavier, I stumbled on snow, and slipped on ice.

I went ahead first in a pile of snow..

I shortly figured out that the day could get much worse.

Once I reached my house I took a nice hot bath, and I was correct. No cuties on the side of the road. Just a crime scene.

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