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Eli's body had gotten towed away, my clothes were drenched in his blood, the mess had gotten cleaned up. Only one of the men had gotten caught, my eyes were red and puffy from all of my sobbing.

I was zoning out until I felt someone tap me, "Miss L/N,? Miss L/N?" I turned my head to see who was tapping me. It was a fellow co-worker. "Mr. Sato said that you could be dismissed for the rest of the day." I nodded my head, as I walked into the staff locker room, grabbing an extra shirt and changing into that.

"Y/N, darling!" Misoka yelled at soon as she saw me, "Darling, lets go out tonight, everything has been so stressful, and you need a break. Wear something sexy! I found a new bar! It has a club connected to it as well!"

Misoka was my bestfriend, but when it came to work the two of us have to be very professional, or else we could get in a whole lot of trouble.

I hesitated before I responded. She seemed so excited about it, "Yeah, ok i'll go." I nodded my head giving her a small smile. Misoka started cheering, "It's been so long since the last time we went out together!" Cheered Misoka.

"I'll pick you up at 8, so be ready!" I nodded my head again, as I grabbed my purse, walking out of the hospital, I unlock my car, driving back to my house, I locked my car, and opened the door to my house, closing it behind me.

I look at the time and it's only 4, I have plenty of time left. I take a nice long shower, shaving, washing my hair and body. I slide on my undergarments, and pull on a baggy sweatshirt.

Face planting into my comfortable bed, falling into a deep slumber.


I woke up, and checked my phone, its 7:28. I have a half hour. I slide on the dress that I was planning on wearing, its a strapless, black, thigh high dress that has a slip on the leg, and it shows off my curves in the right places.

Just as I finish doing a little bit of makeup I grab my purse that has my phone and wallet. I hear a knock on my door, I quickly put my pink fluffy jacket on that matches my nails, and slide on some heels. I grab a small perfume and spray it on me, as I rush to open the door.

Misokas bright face greets me at the door. "Hey girl!! You look so hot!" Misokas compliments me, "You look so gorgeous!" I compliment her back. "Lets go already!" Misokas cheers as she grabs my wrist, pulling me along with her.

She unlocks her car, and we drive away to the destination.

The bar looks extremely busy, "How are we gonna even get in?" I ask, "Hun, don't you think that I already have that situated?" Misokas said in a sarcastic voice. I just shrugged my shoulders going along with whatever she says. "I guess.." She grabbed my ahnd and pulled me through a different line, there was a guard outside the door, Misoka showed him a pass, and he nodded his head and let us through.

I had gotten dragged through the crowd so we couldnt get separated.

"Lets go get a drink!" Misoka laughed, excited to get drunk.

We sat at the bar, the bartender was pretty cute. He had a big build, and middle length hair that was half up half down, his hair was decently curly. He had brown wavy locks that blowed from his small fan that he had in the corner.

He had deep blue eyes, that could just melt me.

"Y/N, girl your staring." Misoka whispered to me. I felt her elbow nudge me. "Uh ma'am what can I get you?"
'I bet he'd give some pretty good back shots-' "Ma'am? your order?" The bartender asked again.
"Back shots- I mean- shit."

The man looked surprised at what I said, then he had started laughing.
"Sorry ma'am. I cant serve those here." The man had finished laughing.

His laugh was as pure as gold. "Im so sorry.." I apologized, "Can you just get me a cup of sake.." I had asked him, 'damn I need to forget this.'
Misoka was dying from what I had said earlier, her face was bright pink. She had covered her face using the table.

"Y/N that was so bad.." Misoka started laughing. "Did you order?" I asked her brushing away what she had said.
"Yeah while you were daydreaming of getting backshots from Prince bartender here." Misoka started giggling at me. Now its my face thats red, "Stopppppppp you're never gonna drop this huh?" I asked her as I started laughing myself

"Nope!" After the both of us had gotten our drinks, we took a few other rounds. "Lets go dance!" Misoka cheered. "I don't know.. I'm not much of a dancer." I rubbed the back of my neck.

"That's ok! You can stop whenever you'd like!"

Misoka giggled, I just nodded my head.

We have been dancing for awhile now, Misoka looks like shes having fun with a dude, I didn't want to go there her, so I went to go sit down.
There were some seats open, but there was a big man, and then two open seats between that man and some creepy looking dudes that are smoking cigars. I decided to sit by the big man instead of the creepy looking man.

"Excuse me, can I get a cup of sake?" I asked the bartender. "Hey~ pretty lady, why don't you come sit over here?" The one creepy man patted the seat next to him.
"Um, i'm fine thank you." I shake off the dude, that was until he sat in the seat next to me, he grabbed my wrist. "Oh c'mon, don't be like that sweet cheeks~"

The man kept cat calling me, "I said no-"

A deep voice interrupted me, "Scum, don't you know what no means?"

I swear if I heard his name my name I think I'd literally melt.
"Hey buddy, listen here. I already claimed this one. Go get your own." The creepy man spat, "She clearly wants me-" a hand gripped the creepy mans head, "She said no." Was all that I heard, then the creepy mans screams in agony.

"Let go! Let go please! you can have her I swear!" And just like that the man had gotten released and ran of cursing swears at the two of us.
"Thank you.. that was kind of you.." I spoke in a gentle voice. "Don't sweat it.. he just didn't have big enough balls to face his mistake.." I nodded my head.

"My name is Y/N L/N. What's yours?" I offered my hand, he looked down at my hand then back up at me. "Call me Yujiro." He took my hand, his hands enlarged mine easily.
"Ok Yujiro, what brings you here today?"
The two of us kept drinking, I felt a lustful tension between us.

I felt a hand snake around my waist, and grip my thigh.
"Touchy now are we?" I giggled.

"Only with you."


I woke up in a bed that was unfarmilar to my own, there were windows everywhere, Im in a skyskraper, the sunrise is the most beautiful that ive seen in a long while. I lifted up the blanket and I realized that i'm naked? What happened last night?

I tried to stand up, but i just stumbled. I face planted into the carpet, taking the blanket with me. I couldn't feel my legs what so ever, theyre numb..

What did that man do to me last night?

I pulled myself up, using the bed to keep my balance.

'shit' I thought.

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