Sharing a room

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Chapter TW : GORE

☆ Jack Pov ☆
       This brat, he called me weak. Guessing by what he called the tall man that's slender.. and this guy is jeff. He was so rude for no reason. I geuss I'm new, maybe he's not used to new people.

As we made it to the room I assumed I was staying in I watched as he opened the door and gasped. "How did he do that so quickly?.." he mumbled, I walked in and saw his half of the room, covered in posters with dark blue walling under it, will led lights, he bed had black covers and he had a weapon collection. Some of the bands I knew were on the posters. Maybe he's not horrible.

I walked over to the boring side of the room as I got comfortable, I was told I just have to think about what I want I slender will do it or somethin' the first thing to come to mind, the same blue walls with the rest of the masks from the cult members on my wall, and some posters of the bands I knew, red and black bed covers. It took 5minutes but what I wanted had appeared.

As I began to lay down for the night, after the long journey I heard music play. It reminded me of Greg, my old roommate, he'd blast music every night. But this guy has some good taste in music, I didn't mind much, it actually helped me daze off into a sleep.

♤ Jeff Pov ♤
       He didn't seem to mind my music like Toby or masky would've if I have them as my roommates, as I realized we had the same music taste. He had a collection of masks on his wall like trophies, maybe they're extras. Or they're like actual trophies to him, like my knifes are to me.

Maybe he's not so bad...

      • Around 3 am...
Narrator : jeff had gone on a mission at 2am , he just finished and got back now laying back down. His footsteps woke jack.

♤ Jeff Pov ♤

    I basicly ploped on my bed, I breathed heavily that victim was a good cat and mouse game. Which I'd usually like if for some reason I wasn't super fucking tired right now.

I stopped all my thoughts as I heard Jack's bed squeak, I looked over at him and he was sitting up. Shit I must've woken him up. I spoke up "hey, sorry did I wake ya?" Why the fuck did I apologize, I'd never in the entire world. Ugh..

I shot out of though hearing his response "no I just need some water.." he got up and went to the kitchen.

☆Jack Pov☆
        I didn't need water, but I was fucking starving so I went out to find a victim.

Once I found one I snuck into their house, I'm not sneaky so i had to find someone that lived alone. I slowly crawled onto him. I took my scalpel and slowly cut down his chest, he woke up screaming. But after about 5 minutes  he past out from the gash I left.

I slowly took out his organs, starting with his kidneys, than his heart..his liver, this was a bloody mess. But it had to be done. I stuffed them all in a bag, once I got to his kidney on the left side decided to eat it savoring the other one for when I get back.

I started walking back through the peaceful silent woods, making my way to the mansion.

Once I got in my room jeff looked sound asleep so I put the organs in their own jars and placed them upon the window seal, once i was done I laid down and dozed off, Jeff's music still playing.

He Ate My Heart ♥︎ [Eyeless Jack × Jeff The Killer]Where stories live. Discover now