chapter 35: Find out

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(I am so so sorry I don't know how a mental hospital is like if you have any tips so I can edit this version of how it looks like or how you get results and all that I will do it my way but I am so sorry!)

Yoongi and Jimin sit in seats in a waiting room as Jimin was hugging Yoongi while Yoongi hugged back trying offer more comfort as he wants him to feel safe around him.

"Min Jimin and Min Yoongi in this way!" The man leads them to a room that is colorful and too bright "We are going to ask you questions about yourself." The man says as Jimin sat between Yoongi's legs and Yoongi holds him by the waist 

"About how many times do you eat in a day?" The man asks "2 or 1 times in a day" Jimin says

"Do you find yourself worrying others around you judge you?" The man asks "Yes." Jimin responded 

"Do you feel anxious around new people?" The man asks "yea." Jimin response

"Have you ever thought about harming yourself?" The man asks "Maybe."

The questions continued and Jimin kept answering truthfully as the man left the room to do something with the answers Jimin had said and put them in the system.

5 Minutes later:

"Jimin you have......

Social Anxiety

panic attacks 

OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)

PTSD (Post-traumatic stress disorder)

Eating Disorder 

but eating disorder is the major one as well as PTSD." The man read it out loud to them and Jimin's heart sank as it breaks and starts to cry softly but then Jimin remembers something which makes him cry even more. "I think we have to get going me and Jimin are busy. Right bae?" Yoongi asked as he picked up Jimin and Jimin nods wiping his tears.

They left and went back home "Baby please don't cry it breaks my heart let's eat something." Yoongi suggested as he smiles and Jimin shakes just at the thought of food as he cried and closed his eyes.

(Next chapter tomorrow I am working on it byeeeee sorry for short chapters I was doing something.)

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