Chapter 7

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The jerk and I
Chapter 7:

When I got to school, the girls rushed to my side and started filling me up with questions.

"Where were you yesterday?"

"Were you with Gab?"

"What happened between you two?"

"Did you guys smooch?!"

Okay, the last one caught me off guard. Why would I kiss Gab when I didn't like him?

"Sorry, yes I was with gab yesterday. We got into a fight. And no we didn't 'smooch'" I air quoted the last word.

"What happened after that?" Mer interrogated.

"He apologized. Then he drove me home." I left out the part where we got really close and that he passed out next to me.

"Awe, that's so sweet of him." Shelly squealed. I shrugged not really caring. I put my combination into my locker and got out my textbook for the first period.

"Did anything else happen with him?" Gwen asked.


"Talking about me sweetheart?" A voice interrupted me. I looked to see Gab against the locker beside mine with a playful smirk plastered on his face. And he's back with his jerk personality not that it even changed.


"What's with the attitude? You weren't like that this morning over breakfast. I'm pretty sure you were flustered because of what your mother said. Oh what was it again?-" before he could go further, I brought my hand up to his mouth making him impossible to continue what he was saying.

I stared at the girls as their eyes widened. I gave them a smile, before dragging Gab down the hallway. Boy was I gonna get questioned later. We stopped outside, in a small corner.

"You can't do that!" I shouted.

"Can't do what?" He asked innocently leaning so his face was close.

"Y-you know what I mean. You can't just appear out of nowhere and start blurting things out."

"I can do whatever I want." He took a step forward as I backed away. This continued until my back had reached the brick wall.

"No. Not something like that, that's embarrassing." His arms were now on both side making me impossible to escape. Deja vu.

"Sure I can. You can't tell me what to do."

He leaned in, brushing my hair aside, and looked into my eyes. My heart was throbbing against my rib cage. I could hear the sound of his pulse as it was matching the pace of mine*.I could feel the electricity exploding everywhere inside of me. He licked his lips, which tempted me even more. And the thing was, I actually wanted to kiss him.

"W-why do you make me feel like this?" I stuttered, not realizing what I had said.

"Make you feel like what?" I could sense the surprise tone in his voice. But when I stared into those pretty eyes, I could see how they darkened and how his tongue slowly licked his lips.

" I want to kiss you." And without any saying, his lips find its way to mine. They were soft and warm. I could feel my legs shaking as his lips moved against mine. His hands travelled down to my waist making me shuttered at his touch. He pulled away and stared into my eyes once again my cheeks were probably in the shade of Crimson by now.

I looked down not wanting to meet his stare.

"Hey, look at me." He lifted up my chin with his finger. Our eyes met again and he suddenly smacked our lips back together. This time it was rough. And to be honest I liked it. A lot.

I wanted more. I wanted him to feel every single part of me. My arms found their way to his
Neck and to his hair. I started to play with his hair, curling them with my finger, making him moan into my mouth. He deepened the kiss and then reality snapped me out.

I pulled away, looking at him once, before running away.

What the hell just happened? How could have I kissed him? I wasn't being me. I... It wasn't me. I hated him. Because, he was a jerk. Right. A jerk. 


a/n: thank you guys for reading!! I just want to add that this is also a short story so the events happens really fast so please bear with it...(if that made sense...) and this is the first time I'm really REALLY writing/continuing a story so excuse me if the vocabulary is so SIMPLE and also for my mistakes. Thanks again !

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