Chapter 18

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The Jerk and I

Chapter 18:

Monday came in a blink of an eye. Seth was going home today and I had to give my final response to Neal. After a lot of thinking, I realized I wasn't falling in love with him. I was only attracted to him. If I was, I wouldn't have compared his kiss to Gab's. I wouldn't have thought about Gab at the dance and only focused my attention on Neal.

I sighed as I straightened my hair. I was wearing the usual uniform. I grabbed my backpack and headed out. Today, I decided to go to Gab's house and apologize. I should've listened to his explanation. I was being a hypocrite and naive. I was overreacting. His house was just two streets away from mine. I got out of my car and jogged up to his porch, ringing their doorbell. I waited and when the door opened Karin stood there.

"Joelle, what a pleasure to see you! I haven't seen you since summe of your eighth grade!" she exclaimed in happiness. I gave her one of my best smiles.

"I know, it's nice to see you too."

"Are you here for Gab?" she asked, I nodded.

"Well go ahead, you know where his room is," she stepped aside and I entered. There house hasn't change since. (Enter descritpion)

I went up the wooden stairs and turned directly to the right, reaching his room in no time. Just as I was about to knock on his door, it opened revealing a girl only wearing a shirt and some boxers. Gab's shirt and boxer. I backed up a little.

"M-Maddy? W-What are you doing here? A-And why are you dressed like that?"

And here I thought I was a hypocrite and all.

"Um... Um..."

"Maddy? Did I hear-"Gab opened his door wider. His eyes widened when he saw me, but it changed into a blank expression. "Joelle, what are you doing here?"

My vision blurred a little but I quickly turned around and ran out of his house. I could hear him scream my name. Why was Maddy dressed like that? I thought they broke up and she moved away? I got in my car and drove away to school. When I got there I went to my locker before heading to my first period. I couldn't talk to Neal right now. Not after what I just witnessed. ~~Lunch break came and I went to seat with my friends. I saw Neal coming towards our way, his hands empty. Here it comes.

"Joelle? Can we talk, please?" I gulped and nodded.

So we went in an empty hallway where there was almost no one. It was quiet and no one talked. I took a deep breath, and started.

"Sorry-" I said at the same time as he said, "Look-"

"Sorry, you can go first." I shook my head.

"No you go first."

We stare at each other in the eye. A second later we burst out laughing. I know there was nothing funny about it, but it made the awkward atmosphere fade a little.

"Alright, l-let me go first," he said after laughing.

"Look, I think I already know your answer. You don't like me do you? Not the same way as I do, right?" I nodded just a little.

"I'm alright with it. I seriously am. Plus, I can just tell by the look on your face when you danced with him that night, that you were happy."

"I-I wasn't. I was frustrated at him."

"Keep telling that to yourself Joe, but we both know you like him."

"I'm sorry Neal. I wish I could return your feelings but I can't." I gave him a sad smile.

"It's okay. Even if you did like me, we still couldn't be together." he murmured the last part.


"I'm moving in the summer. Back in Montreal. I realized that it was selfish of me, leaving my family just to chase the girl of my dreams and not ending up with her. But hey, I don't regret seeing you again."

"Once again, I'm sorry. Really really sorry." I felt bad now.

"It's okay. Now let's just make the rest of the year fun before I go, alright?" I nodded in agreement.


"Friends." I smiled. He surprised me by wrapping his arms around me. I hugged him back._____


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