tell her

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Wendy pov

The other day at the party Bebe kissed me, and it felt really good. But why? Why would she kiss me when she's dating Clyde? She never does anything she doesn't want to do. Why didn't she just say no and skip to the next person? These thoughts kept me awake the few days. Bebe hasn't talked to me since the party and it's driving me crazy. And the worst part is that I feel like my feelings for her are getting stronger each day.

Stan asked me to come over, he said it was important so I'm walking to his house. I reach the door and knock. 2 minutes pass by and he opens the door.

"Hey Wendy."
"Hey Stan, what did you want?"
"We need to talk about Bebe."

We walked up to his room, Stan sat on his bed while I sat in his beanbag chair. 

"So what happened at that party?"
"Well we were playing spin the bottle and Bebe and I kissed."
"Well what happened after that?"
"I pulled away, Bebe walked off and kept drinking and eventually I drove her home."
"So you never talked about it?"
"Well you should. You need to talk to her."
"We don't need to talk about it. She was drunk and probably forgot about it."
"Maybe, but you still need to talk about it. I'll even go with you."

While me and Stan walked, I hoped that Bebe forgot all about it. I'm in love with Bebe Stevens and she probably just kissed me for fun.

We finally made it to bebes house and Stan knocked on the door for me, which pissed me off. It takes her a while but Bebe finally opens the door.

"Hey Wendy."
"Bebe, we need to talk."

HAHA I LEFT YOU ON ANOTHER CLIFFHANGER in other words I'm sorry for being gone for so long. I know last time I said I would post more so I probably sound like a broken record but I do actually plan on posting more. I finally know what I want to do with this story. I'm gonna try and upload once a week.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24 ⏰

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