Ep 11:Something Weird is Happening to Me..

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Mike's POV:

*I woke up doing something i usually do, I was about to go eating breakfast then I gasped*

Vito's POV:

*I was in control but not for long I went to the yesterday's place and picked up that broken animal stuffed it's dirty and all of the fur are lost going to Mike's cabin put it on his bed, make a note and let him back in control*

Mike's POV:

*I was back in the cabin, theres a note in my bed with the stuffed toy*

(Would you mind fix this stuffed toy?

*Huh I guess Vito wants me to fix this thing but maybe after the game Chris called us for the next challenge. We had to build a flying machine first, I got a hot air balloon which wasn't so hard. But I had to find the items to make it I found a fedora, Maybe Manitoba could help me with this. I wrote a note for him then put the fedora on*

Mani's POV:

*Huh I'm in control now I found a note he wrote*

(Hey, uh can you help me find something to make a hot air balloon, Thanks!


*He wants to find a what? Eh I guess worth a try and found em. It's not that hard I guess and Vito was acting kinda weird lately and by weird I mean like a male cat who always targeting the female ones. Guess my job is done here*

Mike's POV:

*Oh he found the supplies I guess I should thank him later but now let's get building!*

*le few hours later~*

*I was working on the balloon but Jo won for the first challenge and now we need to catch Heather or the million dollars will be gone, I've been working with my balloon and now it's safe to be used Chris gave us a mutant eggs which I'm not using since the mothers will chase me if I do. I was about to get there then Cameron won. After that I went to my cabin and start to fix the stuffed animal, Minutes passed and I was be able to fix it! I want to gave Y/N back after the game but she isn't here so I'm gonna kept it safe for now*

✎Campfire Ceremony✐

*I went to the campfire and now it's double elimination I was about to vote then..*

Mike: *Le gasp*

Vito's POV:

*I heard Mike was about to vote and I helped him.*

Mike (Vito) :There.
*Le gasp*

Mike's POV:

*I was sitting on the chair, didn't remember who I voted and the person going home is... Jo*

*I was going to my cabin, then I heard someone said in my head*

Zoey will fall Eventually.

*It's kinda scary but I don't know who said it and I went to sleep*

(Muahahahha >:] )


22/1/24 (Monday, 6:07 PM)

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