Ep 2:Truth or Laser

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*After the elimination ceremony for the rats we were getting ready for sleep, I walked to the girls side cabin and asked the red hair girl*

Y/N:Hey, Zoey right? Nice to meet you my name is Y/N.

Zoey:Oh, Nice to meet you too! You can sleep on the top or bottom bunk.


*I put my suitcase on bottom bunk and changed clothes, then sleep.*

(The next day)

*Chris blew a airport as we gathered now in normal clothes*

Chris:Up and at em, It's time for a challenge!

Lightning:What? But Lightning doesn't had his DPA.

*He said as his team stared at him*

Lightning:Daily Protein Amuntment, Duh?

Chris:Stop complaining, up to the bay of dismay

*We Walked and Walked. while chatted, I learned i was on a team with Cameron, Mike, Zoey, Anne Maria, Brick and Jo. Sooner than later, we were strapped into kid seats above water*

Chris:Ill be asking out player embarrassing question and I mean, Very Embarrassing. If the player owns up to their embarrassment, Their team gets a point but if not, this happened.

*He pushed a button and we got dunked into the water! While in the water we see a FOUR LEGGED SHARK?! The shark almost eated Cam but Chris sent us back to surface*

Mike:T-theres some four legged shark monster down there!

Chris:You mean Fang? He must have been affected to the toxic waste

*He explained again and now the rats get dunked*

Chris:For the rats, who did this on the one and only date they ever had?

*He said as we heard a fart sound in the screen I giggle and see Sam's face is really red. He pressed the button and the rats got a point*

Chris:Question for the Maggots, Who wet their pants on first and last day of school?

Mike:Whoa one of us is a pants wetter?

Y/N:Uhm that's wasnt very nice, don't make it more embarrassing for them, don't you want them to own up?

*I said and then Brick pressed the button, the rats laughed. The next question for The rats is whos real name is Beverly, B pressed it but Chris wanted a verbal answer so the rats get dunked. Scott wanted to quit then Anne Maria, then Sam. And we argued, Chris said the challenge is over and now move on onto the second*

[Part 2]

*There are some obstacles in front of us, we need to complete them with a very blurred glasses.*

Chris:First obstacle, Lightning and Anne Maria. Second obstacle, Brick and Dawn. Third obstacle, Y/N and B. Fourth obstacle, Mike and Sam. Last obstacle, Cameron and Dakota.

*Zoey had to get benched since we had an extra member of out team, we started pretty good. But Brick kept running to the pole and got hit by a cannon ball... Ouch, Finally he passed to Jo and. Jo passed to me.*

Y/N:Hah, It's easy! For that I, Y/N! The master of Gymnastics!

*I jumped to those one by one without falling! Huh those Gymnastics thing really worked out?*

Mike:Nice moves Y/N!

Y/N:Thanks oh, Here you go!

Mike:Got it.

*He started running to the "double trouble" and he gasped loudly there's another accent not the yesterday like.... A girl accent?*

Mike (???) :V'rong! Only one person could do thiz! Svetlana, T'ze Olympic queen of Gymnastics!

*He or She? Dodge those bouncy thing pretty easily just like me! And he gasped again*

Cam:Svetlana? Mike, how did you do that?

Mike:.... Huh? Uh do what? Oh here you go.

*In the end, We won again! And Dakota got voted off well she kinda do more modeling than the challenge today*

*I met Mike at the back of the cabin, I wanna ask him about his disorder making sure if he had it or not... Maybe or maybe not I don't know but we'll see*

Y/N:Hey Mike!

Mike:Oh Hey Y/N, What do you want?

Y/N:Okay maybe this is a little weird but... Do you had uh Multiple Personality Disorder?

Mike:What?? Who told you that- oh yea you studied them right?

Y/N:Yeap your sign is pretty obvious to know.

Mike:You must think I'm so weird..

Y/N:No I didn't! I think they were cool!


Y/N:Yea, I really love to help you out sometimes. It's getting dark, see you tomorrow. Goodnight!

Mike:.... Goodnight.


Mike:She knows and thinks I'm cool? Wow she is nice...

→→→Mike's head←←←

Svetlana:I've told you! She'z so Pretty!

Chester:Eh she is nice

Vito:I wanna see her how did she look like?

Svetlana:You'll z'ee later, it'z a Z'ecret!


←←←Outside Mike's head→→→


(Okay sorry for the long upload just on vacation <3)

~Merry (Friday, 8:14PM)

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