The New Gossip

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"So... which way?" I heard Emmett as we slithered through the hallway. "Oh turn left at the end, I have math next," I replied. "Great! Me too." He said as he turned his head around showing his charming smile, then he proceeded to shield me all the way to class.

I let go of his hand before we entered the classroom, as I was way too shy to let the whole class see us hold hands.

I spotted an empty table and walked over, as I sat down and laid my books down on the table I saw Emmett sitting himself right next to me. "W-Why are you sitting with me?" I stuttered for the first time in a long time. Emmett gave a crooked smile that would have made my heart skip a beat if it was. "Is this seat taken?" he asked. I shook my head and opened my textbook as the bell rang, this was the first time I felt love romantically and it sure is nerve-racking.

Class went by as the both of us talked in an inhuman volume, his voice was soothing and calm and the little tints of humor made me smile. We got to know each other, talking about most of the things I shared with Jasper earlier. The feeling however was different, it made me sure that I had feelings for this super buff vampire I had just met this morning.

"Lovecraft, do you mind solving this question for us on the board?" The Math teacher Mr. Webster asked. Interrupted by his request, I nodded and walked to the front of the classroom. Even though I was chatting with Emmett the entire class I was taking notes and paying slight attention to what Mr. Webster was teaching, being a perfect student in his eyes I was often asked to do difficult questions. I'm pretty sure it's because he likes to challenge me since I've gotten the highest score, but honestly, I didn't mind. Well, not until today.

The question was fairly simple, the equation was longer but the answer was a beautiful and clean number. I ran the numbers through my head quickly and wrote them down accordingly.

"Wonderful, you are yet again correct. Miss Lovecraft, you may return to your seat, thank you." Upon hearing this I dusted off my hands from the chalk and walked back to my seat, while Emmett was smiling the entire time. "Great job." He whispered to me as I sat down. "Thanks but you could have done it yourself too." He chuckled softly. "I wish. I never got along with math."

We continued the conversation until the end of class, after the bell rang Emmett and I began to tidy up our things. Emmett was much quicker than me and rested his head against his hand on the table watching me pack. "Do you want to sit with me and my family for Lunch?" His soothing voice broke the silence between us. "Sorry, I promised to sit with my friends." He frowned, somehow I could see puppy dog ears and a long tail sagging down. "Well at least let me walk you to the cafeteria." I nodded and we walked out of the classroom together. "I can sit with you all tomorrow for lunch if you want?" Emmett seemed to beam at what I said and nodded quickly. "Hell yeah, I do." The imaginary tail of his started to wag around again, making me giggle.

"Shame we don't have any classes together in the afternoon," Emmett said while we entered the cafeteria, as curious eyes started to gather on the both of us I got a little nervous. "A little bit I suppose, but we have math together again tomorrow so you could look forward to that if you want?" I replied. "You bet I do. Those are your friends right, the ones over there." Emmett pointed to a table at the back, I could see the grin on Catherin's face as she squealed in excitement.

I waved goodbye to Emmett and headed towards my human friends. Catherine was staring holes onto my face, Alex was the same old him except that

As I approached my friends, Catherine's eyes were practically sparkling with curiosity. She wasted no time in leaning in and whispering, "Spill the tea, Lizzy! What's the deal with you and Emmett?"

I struggled to find the right words. "Well, we... uh, we walked to class together. He sat next to me... in math." It felt strange trying to put into words what was blossoming between Emmett and me.

Catherine's eyes widened, and she let out an excited squeal. "Oh my goodness, Lizzy! That's so adorable! He's like, super dreamy, you know? Alex, don't you think so?" She turned to her boyfriend, who looked on with a smirk.

"Yeah, sure. He's a big dude, I'll give him that," Alex replied, not quite matching Catherine's level of enthusiasm. Jimmy, on the other hand, had a sour look, he doesn't like the Cullens and that definitely includes Emmett.

Catherine continued to press for details, her excitement contagious. "Did he say anything sweet? Are you guys like, official now?"

I rolled my eyes at her teasing. "We literally just met, Cathy."

Catherine's eyes gleamed mischievously. "Love at first sight, huh? I see what's going on here." She waggled her eyebrows playfully, causing Jimmy to choke on his water.

Even Alex, who barley talks chimed in. "Well, as long as he treats you right, Lizzy, that's what matters. And hey, if he tries anything, just let me know. I've got your back."

Jimmy nodded in agreement.

I felt a surge of gratitude for my friends. They might tease and gossip, but they cared deeply about me. As lunchtime passed, we all chatted and shared stories, the conversation drifting to more lighthearted topics.

I made my way to the gymnasium for PE, feeling a mixture of anticipation and nervousness. Today was the first time I'd have class with Rosalie, Emmett's formidable sister. I'd heard she wasn't easy to get along with with, so I cautiously approached.

As I entered the gym, I spotted Rosalie across the room, her statuesque form exuding an air of confidence. I mustered my courage and approached her. "Hi."

She turned to face me, her expression guarded yet curious. "Hello, you're Elizabeth, aren't you?"

I nodded, relieved she knew who I was. "That's right. It's nice to meet you. You can call me Lizzy."

Rosalie studied me for a moment before a small smile played on her lips. "Likewise, Lizzy. "

We began to stretch and warm up, side by side, the awkwardness gradually dissipating. Rosalie, it seemed, wasn't as cold as her reputation suggested. We exchanged casual conversations about the class, and eventually, the discussion turned to our shared love of vehicles. Rosalie's eyes lit up as we delved into the intricacies of engines and horsepower, I liked motorcycles more and she preferred cars.

As the class progressed, we found ourselves working together on various exercises. Rosalie's control was awe-inspiring, but she was patient in guiding me through the routines. It was evident she had a deep understanding of physical capabilities, likely honed over years of experience as a vampire.

Rosalie shared stories of her travels between sets, her voice carrying a trace of nostalgia. It was clear she had seen much of the world, and I listened with fascination, occasionally interjecting with my own experiences. Despite our differences, I couldn't help but feel we were getting closer.

As the final bell rang, signaling the end of the class, Rosalie turned to me with a genuine smile. "You did well today, Lizzy."

The praise from someone like Rosalie meant more than I could express. "Thank you, Rose."

As I left the gym, I couldn't help but reflect on the unexpected connection that had formed, the day had brought new friendships and the promise of even more adventures in this extraordinary world of vampires and love. As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the campus, I felt a newfound sense of belonging.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22 ⏰

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