Chapter 1: A rose without thorns.

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"With that, the First Prince, Alistair von Clifford was banished to the northern parts of the Empire. 'Father, you never believed me did you? You never trusted that I, your first son should have been the crown prince from the start? I may be everything but I never once attempted on a life.'

Alistair looked at the Emperor in despair, he was chained like a common prisoner. The man who once appeared graceful, was stripped of his title as prince and taken to the Northern Kingdom of Harlem to be imprisoned for attempted murder on the Crown Prince, Silver Von Clifford.

Lady Helena Yorkshire was not on the lucky side. Unlike the first prince, being the daughter of a high ranking noble did not exempt her from the death sentence.

Duke Orleans Yorkshire looked at her in contempt as the Emperor gave his final sentencing. 'For the attempted murder of the Fiance' of the Crown Prince, our lady Veronica of house Yale...I sentence you to death by hanging! Do you have any final words lady Helena?'

Helena looked up at the Emperor, her face was swollen from all the torture she endured while being imprisoned.

On her right she saw her father spit on the ground, a feeling of disappointment washed upon her. 'whatever I say, will fall on deaf ears your majesty, but I hope lady Veronica is happy with this outcome! I vow to haunt her and the second prince in my next life...whether it's my soul or the soul of another...I will get my revenge!"

Her last words sent shivers on everyone's spine. Helena was hanged, but before she died she mumbled foreign words that no one could understand. Silver covered the eyes of Veronica so that her pure eyes could not see the gruesome sight.

Weeks past after the death of Helena, it was announced that Alistair had committed suicide in prison. Silver and Veronica were free from the chains of abuse and got married. Silver and Veronica were later crowned as Emperor and Empress of the Clifford Empire.

The end!"

"This book is trash!" Temari Jenkins and Pluto Smith shouted in unison.

Temari and Pluto were not in the same room, in fact they were not even in the same country.  They both were from different parts of the modern world, yet fate made them both read the same book at the same time.

Temari was a 24 year old detective from Liverpool in the United Kingdom. Temari grew up in an orphanage and was alone most of her life, without any friends.

Lucky for her she was a super special child, from the age of 7 she had great deductive skills and could solve any puzzle. Temari could solve a Rubik's cube in under 30 seconds.

She grew up wanting to be a detective and she finally made her dream come true, yet she still felt empty and lonely.

Her only sort of comfort was indulging in books she borrowed from the library.

On one particular Wednesday, she went about her way to the library as normal, the way she did every other Wednesday.

As soon as she entered the library, it was as if her body reflexed on its own by drawing her in to the back of the library, the furthest bookshelf.

Temari was not sure if this was part of her sixth sense or nosy nature as a detective but she was particularly drawn to the last bookshelf for some reason.

Her eyes landed on a book titled 'A rose without thorns.' she felt drawn to this book by instinct, it was as if the book was knocking in the door of her heart or was it just her imagination?

After reading the book while biting her sandwich, she regret reading such a twisted plot.

Her detective senses were telling her that something was completely off about the ending.

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