Chapter 10

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Okay I'm going to go for a walk. Come on, Espeon, Lucario." Since it was already 11, it's highly unlikely anyone would be outside at the time, so it can give me some time to think." Ash said as he grabbed his Jacket, and beckoned to his Pokémon. Pakura had still cuffed him but he is still able to walk a good enough distance that it won’t tugged him

"Ok, let's go!" Espeon said, and Lucario was at his side, as he pressed the elevator button to the lobby.

He walked through the garden, a cool breeze brushing against his hair, with his two Pokémon.

"Hey, Little Bro!" A voice called out. Ash turned in surprise to see Amethyst and Shiki.

"Brother, Sister!" Ash exclaimed. "What are you doing out here late in the night?"

"Taking a walk, just like you. The place seemed to give us an inner sense of peace. Surely you must feel the same way?" Shiki asked Ash, falling into step beside him, Amethyst doing the same thing.

"Where's Pakura since she is mostly with you?" Amethyst asked, wondering where her little brother's girlfriend was.

"Oh, she's busy in her room sketching scenery. So how was your day?" Ash said and questioned.

"A lot of stuff happened, actually." Shiki admitted then sense someone . "Shh, someone's coming." He pulled Ash and Amethyst into the bushes. Lucario and Espeon dived in the bush next to theirs.

"Isn't that Iris and Max! What are they doing here?" Shiki whispered. Amethyst put a hand on his lips, signaling him to be quiet.

"You'll need a few new Pokémon, Max." Iris said. "I heard this region has loads of Pokémon from all over the six regions. Try scanning your PokéDex for any Pokémon within the vicinity."

Max took out her PokéDex, and scanned a Trubbish when he activated it.

"Trubbish, the Trash Bag Pokémon. Trubbish prefer to live in dirty places like garbage dumps. It is said they were born when a chemical reaction occurred between an abandoned trash bag and industrial waste." The PokéDex read out the info.

"It's a Poison type found in Unova too." Iris stated. "Now, go get it!"

Max took a deep breath, and threw the Pokéball towards the bush with the ear-like tufts of the Trubbish.

"Ouch!" A voice cried out, when the Pokéball hit the ear-like tufts.

"Ouch?" Max and Iris said in unison.

A figure rose up from the bushes, and stepped out into the moonlight. It was a fat, green-haired figure wearing a snarl on his face, and his hairstyle was styled like a Trubbish's ears, which may be why they thought he was a Trubbish, when Ash detected the actual Trubbish sleeping in the trash bin via aura. Ash knew this was a male because of his flat chest. If not, he would have thought of him as a very ugly girl. Ash thought he was wearing the most mismatched outfit he had ever seen, and was that a skirt he's wearing? Ash wanted to puke at the sight of the short skirt that showed off his flabby thighs. He was wearing makeup as well, and he had the impression that the eyeliner he had on was tattooed.

"What kind of outfit is that?" Shiki asked quietly disgusted

"Beats me." Amethyst muttered out of the corner of her mouth.

'He must be one of those ugly, cheapskate entertainers they had in the nightclub that Dawn and Paul went too for a drink.’ Ash thought. He made a mental note to get one of his elite to investigate the nightclub, and maybe shut it down.

"How dare you hit me, the nightclub's best entertainer Mari!" he screeched in this high pitched voice, chasing Iris and Max all the way back to the Pokémon Center.

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