Chapter 6

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Beauregard's P.O.V.

We sat in silence for quite some time. Staring one another down in a battle of wills. The last time we were this stubborn, I was 15 and he had fist announced his relationship with Ralph to the Pack. I had been refusing to stand with him. Glaring up at him- daring him to make me submit, prove how serious he was about us all accepting his relationship with Ralph was. He accepted my challenge- staring me down, his power coming off of him in waves. I had submitted to easily to him that day. I wasn't going to be the one to submit- not this time. I'm older now, stronger then I was when I was 15. He wasn't going to get the better of me. Not this time and not ever again. I'm a born and raised Alpha, submission isn't in our blood- it will no longer burden me.

"I have no idea what you are talking about." I say keeping my voice calm and my eyes focused on his.

"I will not be lie to Beauregard, you know how I feel about lying." He says, his voice hard with order, he wasn't going to accept nonsense.

"You're getting paranoid with your age father. Have you been sleeping well?" I inquire, making sure it sounded a bit concerned to sell the thought that I was worried for his health; implying he was wrong and he had over stepped his bounds.

"I've been sleeping fine- cut the bullshit Little Paw." He orders stressing his nickname for me that was given to me as a child.

"... You seem quite determined to see me dead." I state sounding bored even to my own ears- I could sense his powers lashing out at me in anger, but I don't even bat an eye.

He sucks air in through his teeth in frustration. His eyes darkening with hurt and anger.

"I would never- I love you my son. I only did what the pack demanded of me. So with a heavy heart and soul I sentenced you to death." He replies strongly.

"You have an odd way of showing it." I retort, and despite how determined I was to win. I never thought I would.

My father looked away, tilting his jaw up- submitting to me. I sat straighter up in surprise, tilting my head back in respect.

"I love you Beauregard, you're my son- the feature Alpha. I don't ever want to be in a would you weren't in." He says passionately, leaning across his desk grasping my wrists where my hands had been resting.

"What were you going to do if Emmaline hadn't shown up and saved me. When that ax would of came down and taken my head?!" I demand feeling a mixture of panic and anger swirl inside of me.

"Ralph and I both decided to take our lives- once Ann and Hisensi were settled into the position of Alpha and Luna." He answers and I could sense the truth seeping through his words.

"Mother wouldn't have wanted that." I say angrily.

"It's hard to want things when you're dead." He replies emotionlessly.

"I would of been dead and I sure as hell want a lot." I argue.

"Luckily the Old Ones gave you and Emmaline a second chance." He says unconvinced.

"Thank the Old Ones." I recite tiredly.


Hey I guess I of added this to chapter six but I thought it deserved it own chapter, but I now realize that mistake. I apologize, yet I hope you enjoyed it anyways.

Peace Lovelies.

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