chapter 6

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He removed the oxygen mask to talk to lisa.You must be lisa right? Said Wilson's dad with difficulty.

Yes replied lisa being sort of scared.

Your uncle and I were best friends since high school, he use to  visit me daily before he died. One day he told me about you... after a long pause he started to say again. Their was this worried look on his face when he mentioned your name infront of me , he wanted you to spend time with him and be a great lawyer but you were so busy with your self obsessed life.He wanted some one who will help you after his death and i gave him assurance that i will help you. When i was ill he use to visit  me, but one afternoon he never came back.

     His news about being dead gave me a minor heart attack which lead me Hospitalized... I just want to make my best friend's soul happy, so for the sake of him would you come to stay with me, i will give you everything. Said George

    Lisa was confused once again, After few minutes she said to him that she will be pleased to go with him and take a good care of him beacuse she thought that her uncle's death was a omen for her from GOD.

      She packed her stuff and headed to his uncle's  friend house to live her life once again. There she was now a  completely changed person, with a new soul , new mind set and new outlook. She become  the part of George's family. After few years, Lisa completed her education and was now in a  search of a new job. Lisa was living her life to the fullest, enjoying every moment of her life and starting everyday with new spirits and confidence.

A GIRL WHO WAS SELF OBSESSED.Where stories live. Discover now