chapter 8

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They both reached the restaurant and he parked the car and they both got out of the car and went inside the restaurant the manager came to them and took them to the reserved area where shubman reserved the whole area to avoid any kind of disturbance

They sat in their place after a few minutes a waitress came to take their order good morning sir what would you like to have? She asked shubman with an extra sweet smile and exposed body of course why wouldn't she he is handsome rich and mostly bachelor, he is all over the magazine's and news channel's.

Shubman didn't even glanced at her and looked at ishan and asked him ishan what would you like to have ? And ishan was more happy to know that shubman didn't acknowledged her presence. Ishan felt unknown emotion inside him when he saw the waitress exposing her curves and being extra sweet to shubman.

( A/n : ohhh ishan jealous already?

Ishan : ahh wh-what? I'm not jealous okay?

A/n : sure sure whatever makes you sleep at night

Ishan : can you leave us alone? *Glaring*

A/n :  never! 

Shubman :  yah! You little monkey leave my poor baby alone

Ishan : *giving puppy eyes to shubman *

A/n : tch tch look at that little evil being all innocent

Shubman * taking his shoe*

A/n : heh-e hehe okay bye ishan enjoy your date with your prince *sweating a little* )

Ishan ordered what he likes and not getting the attention the waitress went away taking their orders. They both sat in silence which is awkward for ishan because he can't spend a minute without talking but talking to shubman feels like a mission to ishan.

Shubman saw the hesitation on ishan's face so he cleared his throat and started umm ishan you know why we have this date right? Ishan heard that nodded his head a little and said yea-ah shubman and shubman said ishan please don't be nervous i know this is new for both of us so I have a question to ask can I ask ?

Ishan said yes and shubman asked him ishan do you agree to this because of any force or you willingly accepted this? Ishan was shocked about the question but he said no no shubman no one forced me I want to know you besides no one will force me for something like this shubman was happy to know this because he thought that ishan might be forced to accept the proposal

Shubman said so I also want to know you, it will be a little awkward at first but I'm sure we will be comfortable after sometime let's take this slow ishan what do you say? Ishan nodded his head and gave a small smile to shubman because he was kind of nervous about the whole thing but he was happy that shubman is so understanding

The waitress came with their orders and started eating while talking to each other. Shubman asked him ishan I heard that you are studying art? And ishan got excited hearing that yes shubman I'm studying art I love art whenever I'm sad or happy or anxious art is the only thing that calms me he started ranting about how he loves art and shubman was Fondly looking at ishan hearing everything without interrupting him. Ishan stopped talking when he realised he is ranting and shubman is not talking he bit his tongue and stuttered I'm so-rry shubman I got excited. Shubman shook his head and said no no it's okay ishan you don't have to be sorry besides that I would love to hear your sweet voice muttered shubman inaudible to ishan ishan nodded his head and they finished their breakfast

They left the restaurant and came outside and went to the car shubman opened the door for ishan and ishan sat in his seat and shubman got in the car and he started driving them towards their another destination

Throughout the day they talked about their likes and dislikes, their favourites and most of the things shubman learnt one thing about ishan that little ball of sunshine loves art more than anything and he made a mental note about that

It was night so shubman and ishan were driving towards ishan's house soon they reached and shubman got out and went to Ishan's side and opened the door. Ishan got out and they both walked to the door.

Shubman said i had a good time ishan thank you for saying okay to the date ishan said i had a good time too shubman thank you for today shubman nodded his head and motioned him to go inside ishan turned around to go but he came back and went on his tiptoes and kissed shubman's cheek muttering a goodnight and ran inside inside his home and shut the door

Shubman was processing what just happened and touched his cheek a shy smile came to his face he thought what a cutie and shook his head and went to his car and drove off

During this whole time ishan was watching shubman from the window and when shubman disappeared from his sight he turned back and started smiling like an idiot and blushing like a teen who got her first kiss

And looked up to go to his room and he let out a loud scream arghhhhhh there stood his family members with all smiles tbh it was a little creepy for ishan he said what the you guys scared me and why y'all smiling so creepy
And Raj said ohoo Ishu who got you smiling like that ishan blushed more hearing that and everyone chuckled seeing him flushed his father said arey Raj who else would make him so shy and blushed it must be my jamai Babu ishan eyes widened hearing that he whined what papa and ran to upstairs to his room. Everyone laughed and went retired to their rooms they are all happy to know that ishan is happy

Here shubman came home and went inside and saw his papa,maa and di are waiting for him so he went to them and shahneel asked so how is your date my dear brother and shubman said that he had a good time. Everyone was happy to hear that. He went to his room and freshup and went to bed

Both of their minds are filled with each other's thoughts they are happy that they agreed to this proposal and they can't wait to get to know each other more. Clouded with their thoughts, and plannings of their futures both of them drifted into sleep with content smiles on their faces
To be continued

So here is the double update for you guys and guys thank you so so much for your support and love for this story I can't control my happiness right now you guys are so sweet and thank you for voting and commenting it motivates me to continue the story. I can't say anything more than thank you. sending lots of love to you guys *sobbing in happiness while hugging my phone* <3

 sending lots of love to you guys *sobbing in happiness while hugging my phone* <3

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