chapter 23

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Morning came as new for both of them. Shubman woke up to see the cutest sight, ishan curled up against his chest a cute pout on his face sleeping peacefully. He brushed the hair out of ishan's face which were falling on his perfect closed eyes. Shubman placed a loving kiss on ishan's forehead. Due to the kiss ishan whined and slept again. But after few minutes he opened his eyes to let out a loud scream. Shubman flinched but hold ishan before he fall off the bed.

Baby...calm down it's me shubman said in a soothing voice which sent calmness through ishan's body made him relax.

God maan you scared me ishan said while panting a little due to the fear.

Hehe sorry bubs but I was just admiring the view said shubman not so innocently.

Ishan blushed which made his face turn in pink shade made him look like a fresh rose. Shubman cupped ishan's face with his palm and caressed his cheek lovingly. Ishan leaned into his hand enjoying the warmth of shubs hand.

In the moment may be ishan realised what they did yesterday w-we kissed...we KISSED!??? Omg that kiss was so good his...his lips felt so good unknowingly ishan touched his lips while blushing deep.

Shubman looked at ishan amusing because ishan is touching his lips while thinking deep..... Shubman realised what the other is thinking he grinned and slowly he brought his face close to Ishan's.

What are you thinking baby... Ishan snapped out of his lala land saw shubman's face too close to him.

I-i n-nothing shubi ishan looked down unable to hold the eye contact but shubman held his chin and made him look up. Ishan closed his eyes.

Open your eyes darling but ishan didn't open them. Shubman caressed ishan's face lovingly

Look at me bhacha.. open your eyes and look at your maan 
Shubman spoke ever so softly. Ishan slowly opened his eyes only to lost in shubman's deep ocean like eye's which led him through the endless admiration for him.

Ishu .. you don't have to be shy in front of me love and I will never do anything which will make you uncomfortable, your comfort is my priority trust me in this ishan just fe- Shubman confessed expressing his feelings to ishan thinking ishan must be uncomfortable. But he was cut off when ishan pecked his lips.

Shubman's eyes widened looking bewildered, but soon his face broke into a simple smile. Ishan smiled shyly he caressed shubman's cheek

I'm comfortable with you maan don't ever think like this okay and i trust you not only in this. Ishan whispered with love.

They both spent some time in bed  (ahem no dirty thoughts) both decided to spend today in hotel watching movies so they both did their morning routine and ordered breakfast. They had breakfast chitchatting.

Shubman and ishan cuddled up in the bed watching the movie interestingly while a loud rang from shubman's phone disturbed the cozy atmosphere. Shubman picked up his phone to see abhi calling muttering a few curses for disturbing their cuddle session shubman answered the call

Shubman : Kya yaar abhi why did you call?

Shubman spoke a little annoyingly, which made ishan giggle. Shubman smiled looking at his baby

Abhi : Bhai!! Nothing is going good here something happened in our company

Shubman can here the panic in Abhishek voice so he sat up along with Ishu and a frown etched to his face

Shubman : what happened abhi ?? Why are you panicking?

Abhi : shubi someone in our company sold the details and plannings of our upcoming important deal and there are some people asking for their shares back from the company and we don't know what is happening shub

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