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...I like it...I like it when he touches my body when he caresses me all over ..he makes me shiver and whine like a dog. He makes me feel small ....? Sometimes less than I really am most times I feel like I am above others like they are less than human in my eyes but ..when it comes to will that feeling is different...I feel like a sacred whiney dog with my tail tucked in between my legs ..when he looks at me stares at me it makes my heart flutter I can't help but want to drop to my knees and beg him for another chance ...to suck ..to lick ..to be inside!

I suddenly snapped back into reality..I was sitting there In front of Alana bloom Brian,Jimmy and will. They were conversing about Jack I wasn't really paying attention though..I stared at will my face as red as a tomato once he placed his hand on my thigh and squeezed it it made me feel hot ..god it was getting hard to maintain foucus-

"Hannibal?..are you with us! Hello?!"

I became startled almost jumping out of my seat while I screamed very gayly which probably won't be happening again as I looked at Alana who was staring at me very surprised and of course out of the corner of my eye Brian and Jack were giggling.

"Oh..yes zooned out...is all ..uhm.."

I slowly looked away as I scratched  the back of my head, will was staring at me with this prideful smirk on his face almost like he won something I just tried my best to ignore his annoying cunning grin.

"uhm...In a few we are going to see jacks body..now Brian actually found this piece of evidence in his mouth..?..or  his throat at this point ."

Said Alana as she placed an evidence bag on the conference table looking at us with this very stren and concerned look on her face. There in the bag was the ring box that I had given will but Alana didn't know that, as I slowly looked at will again who was staring at me it was almost like he was communicating with me with his eyes... Like he was saying "You don't know what I'm capable of" I felt chills up my spine the longer I stared at him as I suddenly looked away at the box In the bag before I mumbled.

"..That's ..a wedding ring box....the question is where is the ring...could ..have been some sort of sick proposal..."

Alana stared at me and will with this grin expression on her face...like she deep down inside knew it was us who did this but just couldn't correctly pin point the situation before she suddenly stood nodding in hestisnt agreement to what I said before she uttered.

"..We should go now.."

Alana squinted her eyes at me,as all of us followed behind her and got up as she confidently walked down the hallway fixing her blazer.  I...do admit I was slightly intimidated but her....that stare ..it's like she wants to kill me?.. if anything she's closer to finding out about all the things I've done than anyone else.

We soon arrived in the morgue,after a minute we all crowded around the morturay cabinets  watching as Alana pulled the door open slideing out jacks body as we stared at him for a momment once she removed the sheet.

"..his upper jaw ..has been torn ripped and his lower jaw ..has been removed taken away his throat sliced  which thats where the box was placed... And his right arm is missing but his left there's still a good amount of this left but ..there's bites all over his .. remaining arm and chest and neck and slices..like he was sort of deil ham you would get at the store....along with his lower legs cut off just bellow the knee there's bites also all over his arm..oh right ...his eyes are missing and there..are stab wounds ...all over and though his neck.."

Alana said to us as she slowly looked at Brian, Jimmy me and will, my expression changing to frown. I haven't exactly realized what will all did to jack..but he centrely mutilated his body I mean...it was the reasonable thing to do in this situation ..but he had quite a grosume death..I thought to myself as I looked at will slowly.

"..the....killer Centrely...got inspiration from the Chesapeake ripper ...."

I saw will roll his eyes as he hesitantly agreed looking at Alana again.

"..He has a point reminds...me of some of the Chesapeake rippers past killings..."

Alana nodded looking away slightly then at Brian who chimed in with Jimmy.

"...But why with the ring box?..was someone getting married...not a very romantic way to propose to someone ...?"
Said Brian as he looked at Jimmy.

"..I mean your right but ...it dosent feel like that this body looks like it's been on the bach for weeks ..And Aslo the insides of the box are missing the padding that holds the ring."

Will looked at them both before saying as he crossed his arms.

"..Or it could be an offering ..to whoever the killer is with?.. like some sort of messed up ...deal?.."

Brian and Jimmy nodded in reply to wills response it made sense...but alana looked hesitant as I looked at her, it was like she knew it was a little bit too on point as she slowly closed the morturay cabinet pushing jack back inside.

"..Well...we need to gather more..evidence..maybe..me and Hannibal will go to the crime scene and investigate..it would be helpful if you guys analyzed anything else that was found at the crime scene?.."

Will recommend as Brian and Jimmy nodded, I looked at will trying to hide how impressed I was. As he suddenly yanked me off walking out the morgue down the hallway and back to the car. but while we were walking there he whispered something into my ear.

"..I told you I'm...more capable than you think ..."

He chuckled at me before pulling away and grabbing my hand as I simply looked away I couldn't hide the wide grin on my face as I looked off into the distance.

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