Secret keepers

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Lucas pov*
I have decided that I will wear something nice to work to try and impress Havan. We are dating now but I just want to see if she notices.

Havan: Luca! Hey!
Luca: Hi! *runs up and hugs her*
Havan: Nice shirt. *pats chest* Mike wants us to set.
Luca: *standing still in shock*
Havan: *shouts back* Luca hurry up!
I was shocked because Havan touched my chest! I did not expect her to do that!
Chapa: Bose hurry it up we will be late for the mission and I don't want Mika to defeat all of the criminals!
Bose: Be patient Chapa. I am trying to tie my shoe lace.
Chapa: You have been doing that for 5 minutes! It only takes 5 seconds to tie a shoe lace!
Bose: Ok Done!
Mike: Cut! Let's go to the crime!
Volt: What criminal is this?
Shoutout: PR.
Volt: What does it stand for?
PR: It stands for push ray because I have a rag the pushes you around however I want.
Brainstorm: Well can we just fig- *looks down* DANG IT! MY OTHER SHOE LACE GOT UNTIED! *bends down to tie it*
Volt: *tries to "zap" him and it bounces off and hits Shoutout and awol*
Volt: Brain buddy are you done toeing your shoe lace yet!?
Brainstorm: Not yet!
Volt: *zaps him again and then it bounces off his ray and goes toward Volt*
(Brainstorm is behind her)
Brainstorm: *stands up*
Volt: *gets shocked and falls on top of brainstorm*
Brainstorm: Owww!!!! What happened?
Volt: you did not help us what happened!
Mike: CUT! Luca you good?
Luca: Yes.
Havan: *still in top of Luca and looks him in the eyes for 10 seconds straight*
Havan: *Gets up*
Luca: *also gets up*
Mike: Havan you good?
Havan: Yep.
Dana: So what you all want to do?
Terrance: I have to get home to help my mom clean the house. My mom invited her employees over for dinner. I hate her employees!
Luca: We are your employees. Does she hate us?
Terrance: No, no, no! My mom loves you guys! My mom only invited her employees over because she wants a raise. They are her bosses and she wants the house to look perfect. So I'm out. *leaves*
*no one's POV*
Dana: Luca, Havan? What do yall want to do?
Havan and Luca: *look at each other*
Luca: I guess we could hang out but I have plans. I could cancel them though.
Dana: No you don't need to do that. Havan?
Havan: Yeah sure we can hang out.
Dana: Yay!!!
Havan: Bye Luca.
*he leaves*
Dana: So Havan... are you and Luca dating?
Havan: Why???
Dana: The way you looked at Luca in the eyes and the way he looked at you when you fell on top of him.
Havan: we were acting Dana.
Dana: yeah sureeeeee.
Havan: Dana I am being serious.
Dana: Ok yeah yeah.
Havan: I have to go. bye. *leaves*
Dana: Bye.
Havan: *walks home*
Luca: Havan! Wait up!
Havan: *turns around* Luca?
Luca: *gets up to her and puts his hands on his knees breathlessly* Hi.
Havan: Ok calm down. What's up?
Luca: *stands up* Do you want to hang out?
Havan: Sure but I have to go tell my mom.
Luca: Where is your house?
Havan: Right there *points*
Luca: Ok so I will walk you to your house. Is that ok?
Havan: Yeah. But my mom doesn't know we are dating, she thinks we are just friends.
Luca: Ok that's fine. My mom doesn't know either.
Havan: *laughs a little* ok. Imma tell my mom. *walks in*
*in the house*
Hm: Hey.
Havan: Hey mom, I am going to hang out with Luca. Bye.
Hm: Bye sweetheart.
Havan: Don't call me that! *walks out*
Luca: Ok so I got a surprise for you.
Havan: Ok...
*walks with Lucas hands over Havan's eyes*
Luca: We are here!
Havan: The beach.
Luca: Yes I got the beach all to ourselves.
Havan: Nice. But I have no swimsuit with me.
Luca: I know I told your mom before I asked you and she gave me one of your swimsuits.
Havan: That was nice. *goes to the showers and gets changed*
Luca: You look nice.
Havan: Thank you. Now let's go into the water. *goes in*
Luca: Ok. *takes off shirt and goes into the water*
Havan: Hey do you see that? *points into the water*
Luca: Where? *looks down*
Havan: *splashes water on him*
Luca: *lifts head up with his hair soaked* Wow ok. It's on! *gets a bucket and dumps water in her head*
Havan: *about to splash water in him but hears a ring* Do you hear that?
Luca:..... Yeah what is that?
Havan: It sounds like a phone ringing.
Luca: Did you take your phone out of your pocket?
Havan: Yes. Did you?
Luca:... I think that is my phone... *tries to get it out of his front pocket but the zipper is stuck* I can't get it out of my pocket!
Havan: Oh ummmm... here let me try... *Goes under the water and tries to get the zipper down*
Dana: Luca what you doing standing in the water???
Luca: *sits down* I'm not standing anymore. *whispers to Havan* Dana is here.
Havan: *swims into the distance*
Dana: Why you here alone?
Luca: Um I'm not.
Dana: Who are you here with?
Luca: Havan...
Dana: where is she? *looks around*
Havan: *pops up in the distance* *yells*Hey Dana!
Dana: *yells* Hey Havan!
Havan: *swims up to Luca*
Luca: *leans towards Havan and whispers* Should we tell her?
Havan: *whispers* No.
Dana: What you two whispering about?
Luca: Nothing. *Puts hands in Pockets*
Dana: Ok... Luca can I talk to you?
Luca: um... yeah sure. *gets out of the water and gets a towel and walks behind the showers* what you want to talk about?
Dana: I know you and Havan are dating.
Luca: What makes you think that?
Dana: When Havan left the studio I went to the door and opened it and that is when I saw you waiting for her and a person only does that when they are dating. You don't have to admit it but I know what's going on between you both. *walks away*
Havan: Dana! Wait up! *gets off beach chair and runs up to her*
Dana: yeah?
Havan: What did you and Luca talk about?
Dana: Oh um... *looks over to Luca*
Luca: *shakes head no*
Dana: Nothing.
Havan: So you both went behind the showers to talk about nothing...
Dana: Well we did talk.
Havan: About what.
Dana: Fine. We were talking about work because we are trying to get Luca and you to.... *gets cut off by Luca*
Luca: *runs over* we where talking about a surprise that Mike told use to keep it secret and only we and him can know. So Dana is not able to tell ANYONE.
Havan: Ok well bye Dana.
Dana: Bye *walks home*
Havan: Ok tell the truth.
Luca: What do you mean?
Havan: I know you two were not talking about work. I am not dumb.
Luca: Ummm.... You know what fine. Dana found out that we are dating. I don't know how but she does.
Havan: So why did you both lie?
Luca: Well I told Dana to lie. When she looked over at me when you two were talking and shook my head no and that is why she was lying.
Havan: Ok.
Luca: you angry at me?
Havan: No. I think it is time to tell them about us.
Luca: Ok.
*next day at work*
Luca and Havan walk in
Dana: Hey guys!!!
Havan: Hey! How did you find out?
Dana: What? *confused*
Havan: How did you find out we are dating?
Dana: I saw you two kiss...
Havan: ...
Luca: ...
Dana: ...
Mike: WHAT!!!
All three kids jump
Luca: what the heck!
Havan: Not cool!
Dana: What did you hear?
Mike: I heard you say I saw you two kiss. Havan and Luca are dating!
Havan and Luca: SHHHUUUUSSSHHHH!!!!
Mike: Why?
Havan: No one else knows.
Luca: We are going to tell them.
Mike: And...
Havan: You heard he said we are going to tell them and not Mike is going to tell them.
Mike: Oh... ok.
Dana: Can I tell?
Luca: That is ok with me. *looks at Havan* What about you?
Havan: Ummm.....
Luca: *puts arm around Havans shoulders* Come on. It is the least she could do. She had to keep this secret for a while and she is not the best at keeping secrets.
Havan: Sure. *walks away*
Dana: *walks up to Luca* Thank you Luca. *smiles*
Luca: no problem. *smiles back and then walks away*
Danas thought: I think I like Luca. No! I can't! He is Havans boy! Havans my best friend I can't betray her! Butttttt... he is super cute. You know what I will get him to dump Havan and then try and get him to date me. Yeah then I won't be betraying Havan. Yes that is what I will do.
All three kids are at set
Bose: Chapa.
Chapa: yes?
Bose: What is going on with Mika?
Chapa: Oh. Well she is in a bad mood.
Bose: Yes I know that but why?
Chapa: Her dog died.
Bose: So why is miles not in a bad mood?
Chapa: Let's just say he does not have the same type of feelings as Mika.
Bose: Ok...
Chapa: Why you staring at me?
Bose: No reason.
Chapa: You sure?
Bose: Yes. I'm sure. *continues staring*
Chapa: Ok well can you stare at the wall or something.
Bose: But the wall is boring.
Chapa: Well so am I. *walks away/off set/into another room*
Bose: WAITTTTTT!!!! *runs after her*
Mike: And cut. Great job.
Luca: *sits down*
Havan: *sits on Lucas lap*
Luca: What is this for? *puts hand on her waist*
Havan: I don't like the seats cushion. Your lap is nicer.
Luca: I think your lips are nicer than my lap. *kisses*
Havan: *pulls away* I love you.
Luca: Love you too. *kisses again*
Dana: I have an announcement. LUCA AND HAVAN ARE DATING!
Luca: *pulls away* That was quite the announcement.
Haven: Yes it was. *gets up* I have to go. Bye.

This is the end of this book I have no other ideas for it

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05 ⏰

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