The film day of season 2 last episode

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Luca: *walks on the set* hey guys!
Havan: Hey
Dana: Hi!
Terrence: Sup!
Luca: What we doing for this episode Mike?
Mika: We will have you, hava, Dana, and Terrence in the police station, in the back.
Luca: ok.
Shoutout: Do you know how to use this?
Awol: No but I watch a lot of movies.
*they go up*
Brainstorm: Do you know how to disarm this!!??
Volt: No but I watch a lot of movies. *Zaps it*
Brainstorm: You just made it speed up!
Volt: yeah, that usually happens in movies two.
Mike: CUT!
Mike: Go to awol and shoutout!
Shoutout: where did he go!?
AWOL: There!
*yadayadayada time skip*
Brainstorm: do you know how to disarm this!?
Volt: No! I don't want to scare you but we are about to die!
Brainstorm: Oh I remember shwoaz thought me this song about how to disarm thing.
Volt: well sing it! * grabs cutters*
Brainstorm: du du du du
Volt: Hurry up!
Brainstorm: cut the blue wire!
Volt: *cuts* *its works* *sighs in relief*
Brainstorm: After you cut that wire...
Volt: *grabs his vest and pulls him toward her* YOU CAN STOP SINGING! *lets go* sorry. *pats his chest were she grabbed*
Mike: And cut!
Luca: You grabbed my skin a little.
Hava: Sorry.
Mike: That was great guys!
Luca: Can we go to the park?
Dana: Sure.
Terrence: Yeah sounds fun.
Hava: im down.
They go to the park and come back *I am lazy*
Hava: That was fun.
Dana, Terrence, Luca: yeah!
Mike: How was it?
Kids: Good!
Cooper: Why do I never get to be in a sene?
Michal: I never get to be in that much senes either.
Mike: Oh well...
Dana: We are the main actors.
Terrence: Dana!
Hava: Not cool!
Luca: Why you say that!
Dana: It's true tho.
Mike: Well you kinda are part of the main actor coop. I'm mean you are CAPTAIN MAN!
Cooper: Ok I guess.
Mike: Now we have to film.
Dana: Ok.
*I made this sene up, it is not part of the show*
Mike: Well this sene is we're Chapa and Bose kinda sorta kiss...
Havan and Luca: WHAT!
Mike: Hey it's for the people!
Chapa: Bose why do you keep following me?
Bose: I love... I love... strawberries.
Mike: CUT! Luca what happened. You should have said I love you not strawberries.
Luca: Well umm...
Hava: I'm a strawberry.
Luca: No. I don't like saying that word.
Havan: I?
Mike: you?
Luca: No. love!
Dana: Don't you say I love you to your parents?
Luca: Umm... not really.
Terrence: Why?
Luca: We had a fight.
Havan: How about we do the sene and then talk about this.
Luca: Ok!
Bose: I love you. *kisses chapa*
Chapa: My name is not you.
Mika: Awwww even chapas sarcasticness is cute.
Chapa: if you say that again then D-Day will start over.
Mika: I am very terrified of chapas sarcasticness.
Mike: CUT!
Havan: That good?
Mike: No... it was perfect!
Luca: alright now can we talk about my situation at home?
Havan: Sure.
Dana: So...
Terrence: what's happening?
Luca: Well me and my mom got into a fight...
Dana: Why?
Luca: Well she called my farther lazy that he does nothing in the house but he does tons of stuff.
Havan: And...
Luca: Well my dad divorced my mom and now my mom is trying to date another guy. That's why we got into a fight.
Havan: So you got into a fight with your mom because...
Luca: Oh well... I just said it but I will say it again. My mom and I got into a fight because she got angry at my dad for no reason at all.
Dana: That's horrible!
Terrence: Bad!
Havan: Tragic!
Mike: Yeah and it is also annoying...
Luca: What?
Mike: Your not talking about you and havan dating???
Luca: NO!
Mike: I saw you two kiss.
Luca: When?
Havan: how?
Mike: In Lucas dressing room.
Mike: And how, with my eyes.
Havan: I have never kissed Luca.
Luca: And she has never been in my dressing room.
Mike: Ok. Ok. Ok. Let's go get some lunch.
Dana: Where?
Mike: McDonald's.
Dana: Ok.
Luca: Yeah I'm down.
Havan: sure.
Terrence: Nah man I can't.
Luca: Why man?
Terrence: I promised my mom that I would go to lunch then help her prepare for a party man.
Luca: that sucks man.
Terrence: I know man.
Luca: Have a good time m-
Havan: If either of you two say man one more time I will explode.
Luca: m... muchacho.
Terrence: same to you.
*at the restaurant*
Havan: I will get us a table. *walks away*
Luca: I will order. *walks away*
Mike: I will go pay. *walks away*
Dana: I am now alone.
Random guy: Hey, aren't you Mika from that show danger force?
Dana: yeah. You watch our show.
Random guy: heck yeah! I mean... my younger siblings love to watch.
Dana: don't worry many older people watch our show.
Random guy: Cool cool, my name is josh.
Dana: Nice name josh.
Josh: Thanks. It's short for Joshua.
Dana: Well my name is Dana.
Havan: Hey Dana, found us a table.
Dana: ok be right there.
Luca: What's up dana.
Dana: nothing.
Luca walks to table with havan
Luca: so what do you like to do for fun?
Havan: Hmm... I guess sing.
Luca: Sing what?
Havan: just random songs.
Mike: Hey guys.
Havan: I thought you went with Luca to buy the food?
Mike: I did.
Havan: So what took you so long?
Mike: umm... bathroom. *says in a unsure voice*
Havan: mhm.
Dana: Hey guys.
Luca: where were you?
Dana: with Josh.
Havan: Who is Josh?
Dana: Who cares let's just eat.
Mike: Ok well, it kinda took to long and now we got to head back to our house my boss has cancelled. See you all tomorrow.

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